

阅读:1106次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据可再生能源新闻迪拜报道,阿联酋清洁能源公司马斯达尔(Masdar)首席执行官穆罕默德·拉马希10月19日表示,马斯达尔可能投资以色列的可再生能源项目,因为这个海湾国家寻求在和平协议签署后扩大其与以色列合作伙伴的商业联系。







李峻 编译自 可再生能源新闻


UAE clean energy firm Masdar may invest in renewables in Israel

UAE clean energy firm Masdar may invest in renewable projects in Israel, its CEO said Oct. 19, as the Gulf country seeks to expand its commercial ties with its partners in a peace agreement.

"If the opportunity is there in Israel, we will jump into this opportunity," Mohamed al-Ramahi told the Siemens Energy week virtual conference.

He didn't provide further details.

The UAE, which signed a peace agreement with Israel in Washington on Sept. 15, may cooperate with the Jewish state in the fields of water desalination and solar power as OPEC's third-largest oil producer seeks to generate 44% of its power from renewable energy by 2050, the country's energy minister Suhail al-Mazrouei said Sept. 14.

The US, Israel and the UAE have agreed to cooperate in the fields of oil, gas and renewables among other energy sectors following the signing of a peace agreement, the three countries said in a joint statement Oct. 1.

The three countries "agree to encourage greater coordination in the energy sector, including renewable energy, energy efficiency, oil, natural gas resources and related technologies, and water desalination technologies," the statement said.

"Israel, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States are committed to exploring collective activities in multilateral settings in coordination with financial institutions and the private sector to enhance international investment in research and development and the rapid adoption of new energy technologies."

上一篇:阀门周报: 纽威、中核科技、远大、神通、精控、沪东、沪工等发布重要消息