

阅读:1184次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据石油世界期刊10月15日波哥大报道,智利已经启动了一项长期的绿色氢战略,以此来开发剩余的可再生能源产能,使其出口导向型经济多样化并实现其排放目标。

智利能源部长胡安?卡洛斯?乔比特(Juan Carlos Jobet)在报告中援引麦肯锡咨询公司的一份研究报告称,到2050年,该国将年产2500万吨的绿色氢,并从液化出口中获得300亿美元/年的收益,占据日本和韩国市场的50%。



他提到了智利已经在筹划之中的20多个试点项目,其中包括一个绿色甲醇和汽油倡议,该倡议基于远在南部麦哲伦的一个30MW风力发电场,由智利AME、意大利Enel green Power、德国西门子(Siemens)和保时捷(Porche)联合实施。该项目将建在国有石油公司Enap的Cabo Negro设施上。



Jobet称,我们的可再生能源发电能力是目前消耗量的70倍,因此,我们必须寻找方法来利用这一潜力,不仅可以改善我们的生活质量,还可以将其出口到世界各地,以创造收入和 为实现碳中和目标做出贡献。

智利目前拥有286亿美元的可再生能源项目,其中49%正在建设中,另有51%正在等待环境许可。 太阳能占49%,其次是风能,占18%。

Jobet指出了船用氢燃料的潜力,这将有助于减少与该国铜出口相关的总体排放。 智利铜矿中使用的柴油也将被氢替代。

郝芬 译自 石油世界期刊


Chile spur a green hydrogen renewables strategy

Chile has launched a long-term green hydrogen strategy as a way to exploit surplus renewable energy capacity, diversify its export-oriented economy and meet its emissions goals.

By 2050, the country could produce 25mn t/yr of green hydrogen, and earn $30bn/yr from liquefied exports, capturing 50pc of the Japanese and South Korean marketsmarket, according to a McKinsey consultancy study cited by energy minister Juan Carlos Jobet in a presentation today.

Chile's projected 2030 production would represent 5pc of global green hydrogen market.

Although Chile's exports would have higher logistical costs because of market distance, they would be among the world's least expensive because of lower production costs, Jobet said.

He cited more than 20 pilot projects already on the drawing board in Chile, including a green methanol and gasoline initiative based on a 30MW wind farm in far-south Magallanes, with Chile's AME, Italy's Enel Green Power, Germany's Siemens and Porche. The project would be built at state-owned oil company Enap's Cabo Negro installations.

France's Engie and Chilean explosives manufacturer Enaex are working on a green ammonia pilot project in the northern Antofagasta region, based on 1GW of solar, to launch in 2024.

Chile generated 44pc of its electricity from renewable sources in 2019, a level projected to reach 70pc in 2030.

"We have 70 times more renewable energy generating capacity than we currently consume, so we have to find ways to take advantage of that potential, not only to improve our quality of life, but also to export this to the world, to generate income and contribute to the goal of carbon neutrality," Jobet said.

Chile currently boasts $28.6bn in renewable energy projects, with 49pc under construction and 51pc awaiting environmental permits. Solar accounts for 49pc of the total, followed by wind with 18pc.

Jobet noted the potential for hydrogen marine fuel, which would help to reduce overall emissions associated with the country's copper exports . Diesel used at Chile's copper mines would be replaced with hydrogen as well.
