

阅读:1140次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据OE网站10月15日报道,最近,飓风能源下调了对兰开斯特油田可采储量的估计,这促使挪威能源情报公司雷斯塔能源(Rystad Energy)修正了UKCS的总体预期,并表示该盆地的日产量可能再也不会达到逾200万桶油当量的水平。


然而,根据雷斯塔能源的估计,飓风能源在对之前在英国尚未开采的裂缝性地下储层的勘探成果,今年早些时候,预计到2035年,该国的日产量将恢复到210万桶油当量。 如今,Rystad称,这些希望已经破灭。


郝芬 译自 OE


Rystad: UK North Sea Oil Output Will Never Again Surpass Two Million Barrels a Day

The recent downgrade of Hurricane Energy's Lancaster field recoverable reserves estimates has led Norwegian energy intelligence Rystad Energy to revise its expectations for the UKCS overall and say that the basin might never again hit output levels of more than 2 million barrels of oil equivalent a day.

Rystad has said that oil and gas output in the United Kingdom’s continental shelf (UKCS) has declined steadily since its peak at 4.3 million barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) in 1999, "never exceeding 2 million boepd after 2010."

However, promising exploration results by Hurricane Energy in fractured basement reservoirs, previously untapped in the UK, were until earlier this year expected to revive the country’s output to 2.1 million boepd by 2035, according to Rystad Energy’s estimates. Now, Rystad says, those hopes have been dashed.

To remind, a technical committee recently examined possible geological and reservoir models for the Lancaster field and found that estimated recoverable reserves, assuming no remedial action, have been reduced from 37.3 million barrels to 16 million, of which 6.6 million have already been produced.

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