

阅读:1164次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据石油新闻2020年10月16日纽约报道,疲软的油价、紧张的资产负债表以及缺乏外部资金来源的支持,已使许多美国独立油气公司接近破产。对一些油气公司来说,联合起来可能是一种保持有偿还债务能力的方式。






Tudor Pickering Holt 公司勘探和生产部门总经理马修·波尔蒂略表示,“行业整合正在变得越来越重要。”“除了二叠纪和马塞勒斯页岩盆地以外,美国大多数主要页岩盆地只需要一到两个盟主。”



李峻 编译自 石油新闻


Coronavirus fallout spurs M&A across US oil and gas sector

Soft oil prices, strained balance sheets and a lack of support from outside funding sources have left many US independent oil and gas companies close to bankruptcy. For some, joining forces may be a way to stay solvent.

Most independent producers entered 2020 on unstable footing. The oil price crash and collapse in demand as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic drastically worsened their predicament, and a slow economic recovery has left many facing massive financial and operational cuts well into 2021.

"Consolidation makes sense — economies of scale will enable firms to lower supply costs; less fragmentation will ensure more efficient response to price signals and inventory constraints," Morningstar analyst David Meats said.

Supermajors could look to snatch up a few appetizing independents and mergers of equals could continue to occur, Meats said, but "modest to zero premiums" should be expected.

Chevron's $13 billion purchase of independent producer Noble Energy, the biggest post-pandemic merger in the energy space, showed that traditional consolidation through acquisitions remains a possibility for the industry.

However, the September announcement that Devon Energy and WPX Energy would combine in a $12 billion, all-stock merger of equals also indicates that companies of similar size and with overlapping operations could look to join forces instead of slogging through on their own.

"Industry consolidation is becoming paramount," said Matthew Portillo, the managing director in the exploration and production sector for Tudor Pickering Holt & Co. "Most major plays, with the exception of the Permian and maybe the Marcellus [Shale], need only one or two champions."

Speaking at a webinar in September, Portillo speculated that widespread industry consolidation could result in 10 to 15 large public companies, including four to five small to mid-cap players.

"There's a very good chance that consolidation will take down 60% to 80% of the companies we cover," Portillo said.

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