

阅读:1397次 日期:2020/10/31

据烃加工在线10月22日消息,预计中国将引领亚洲和大洋洲炼油产能增长,2024年前将占该地区炼油总产能增长的约71%。全球领先的数据和分析公司GlobalData表示, 2024年前中国炼油产能或将增加260万桶/天。


GlobalData公司石油和天然气分析师Adithya Rekha评论道:“2024年前中国新增260万桶/天的炼油产能中,其中120万桶/天可能来自于现有炼油厂的扩能,其余140万桶/天预计将来自于新建炼油厂。”

GlobalData预计,2024年前印度新增炼油产能将在亚洲和大洋洲位居第二。印度预计将贡献亚洲和大洋洲21%的炼油产能增长, 2024年前将增加约74.8万桶/天。

张春晓 摘译自 烃加工在线


China to dominate Asia and Oceania’s refinery capacity growth by 2024

China is expected to lead the Asia and Oceania’s refinery capacity growth, contributing around 71% of the region’s total capacity growth by 2024. China is likely to add 2.6 MMbpd of refinery capacity by 2024, says GlobalData, a leading data and analytics company.

The company’s report, ‘Refining Industry Outlook in Asia and Oceania to 2024 ’ reveals that refining capacity in Asia and Oceania is expected to increase by 3.6 MMbpd from 37.0 MMbpd in 2019 to 40.6 MMbpd in 2024 at an average annual growth rate (AAGR) of 1.9 percent. Out of Asia and Oceania’s total capacity additions, 2.0 MMbpd is expected to come from new-build planned projects, while the remaining 1.6 MMbpd is likely to come from the expansions of active/operational projects.

Adithya Rekha, Oil and Gas Analyst at GlobalData, comments: “Out of China’s total refinery capacity additions of 2.6 MMbpd by 2024, 1.2 MMbpd is likely to come from expansion of active projects and the rest 1.4 MMbpd is expected to be contributed by new-build projects by 2024.

GlobalData expects India to occupy the second place in terms of refinery capacity additions in Asia and Oceania by 2024. India is expected to contribute about 21% of Asia and Oceania’s refinery capacity growth, adding about 748 Mbpd by 2024.

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