

阅读:1712次 日期:2020/11/17

据天然气加工网站11月10日消息 巴基斯坦天然气采购商在《黎明报》的一则广告中称,该国正寻求投标,争取在1月8日至2月1日期间进口6批液化天然气货物。





该公司还与大宗商品交易商贡沃Gunvor 签订了5年的进口协议,并与埃尼集团签订了15年期进口协议。


吴恒磊 编译自 天然气加工


Pakistan seeks bids to import six LNG cargoes in January

Pakistan is seeking bids to import six LNG cargoes for delivery between Jan. 8 to Feb. 1, the country’s natural gas buyer said in an advertisement in the newspaper Dawn.

The last date for the submission for bids for the cargoes, each of 140,000 cubic meters, is Dec. 10, according to the advertisement by Pakistan LNG Ltd. The winning bids will be announced the same day.

Pakistan LNG recently awarded a tender to import six LNG cargoes in December. Vitol placed the best bids for four of the cargoes while Trafigura and Socar were the front runners for one cargo each.

Pakistan’s gas needs typically rise in December and January but deficit in supply versus demand is expected to increase this year as consumption rises and indigenous supply declines.

The South Asian country has a purchase deal with Qatar for 3.75 million tons of LNG per year for 15 years to 2030, but it regularly taps the spot market.

It also has a five-year import deal with commodity trader Gunvor and a 15-year agreement with Eni.

The power sector is Pakistan’s largest natural gas consumer, followed by residential consumption and the fertilizer industry.

上一篇:11月16日 国内主要城市大中型材价格汇总