

阅读:1597次 日期:2020/11/24

据OE网站11月18日报道,以非洲为重点的油气公司瓦可能源公司(Vaalco Energy)已经同意收购萨索尔(Sasol)Etame Marin区块27.8%的股权,并收购位于加蓬近海的DE-8区块40%的股权。

Vaalco表示,鉴于该公司已经拥有Etame 31.1%的开采权益,此次收购将使其总产量和储量几乎翻倍。通过这次收购,Vaalco在Etame的股份将上升到58.8%。Vaalco公司所在的Etame Marin区块迄今已生产了超过1.18亿桶原油。




Vaalco将为整个交易支付4400万美元。 该交易包括未来最多600万美元的或有款项。

郝芬 译自 OE


Vaalco Buys Sasol's Interests in Offshore Assets in Gabon

Africa-focused oil and gas company Vaalco Energy has agreed to buy Sasol's 27.8% interest in the Etame Marin block, and a 40% stake in Block DE-8, offshore Gabon.

Vaalco said that the acquisition would almost double its total production and reserves, given that the company already owns a 31.1% working interest in Etame. With the acquisition, Vaalco's Etame stake will rise to 58.8%. Etame Marin block, where Vaalco is the operator, has to date produced over 118 million barrels of crude oil.

Apart from the Etame transaction, Vaalco is acquiring Sasol's 40% non-operated participating interest in Block DE-8 offshore Gabon. Perenco is the operator, holding the remaining 60%.

Block DE-8 is in shallow waters and encompasses multiple producing fields that are not part of the transaction and are carved out of the contract area that Vaalco is acquiring.

The DE-8 deal includes an interest in the Akoum-B discovery on Block DE-8 that was drilled in 2003 and has a potential appraisal well planned for 2021. If the appraisal well is successful, it could be tied back through a subsea completion to a Perenco-operated existing platform on Block DE-8.

Vaalco will pay $44 million for the entire transaction. The deal includes and future contingent payments of up to $6 million.

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