

阅读:1421次 日期:2020/12/25

据12月22日Offshore Energy报道,石油巨头康菲石油公司在位于挪威海Heidrun油田东北偏北14英里的Slagugle远景区891号生产许可证范围内获得了重大石油发现。

康菲石油公司是该许可证的运营商,于2020年10月获得了挪威石油管理局(NPD)的钻井许可,拥有80%的开采权益。Pandion Energy是其合作伙伴,拥有20%的开采权益。


该发现井使用Leiv Eiriksson钻井平台进行钻探,总深度达7149英尺。该公司执行副总裁兼首席运营官Matt Fox表示:“这一发现是我们过去16个月里,在挪威大陆架上的第四次成功勘探。这四个发现都是在北海和挪威海记录良好的区域发现的,资源开采成本较低,可以延长我们在挪威50多年的业务。”


王佳晶 摘译自 Offshore Energy


ConocoPhillips makes ‘significant’ oil discovery off Norway

Oil major ConocoPhillips has made what it says is a significant oil discovery in production license 891 on the Slagugle prospect located 14 miles north-northeast of the Heidrun field in the Norwegian Sea.

ConocoPhillips is the operator of the license with an 80 per cent working interest. Pandion Energy is a license partner with 20 per cent working interest.

The 6507/5-10 was the first exploration well in production licence 891, which was awarded in APA 2016.

The company received a drilling permit from the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD) for the well in October 2020.

According to ConocoPhillips’ statement on Tuesday, preliminary estimates place the size of the discovery between 75 million and 200 million barrels of recoverable oil equivalent.

Extensive data acquisition and sampling has been carried out in the discovery well 6507/5-10.

The future appraisal will be conducted to determine potential flow rates, the reservoir’s ultimate resource recovery and potential development plan.

The discovery well was drilled in 1,165 feet of water to a total depth of 7,149 feet using the Leiv Eiriksson drilling rig.

Matt Fox, executive vice president and chief operating officer, said: “This discovery marks our fourth successful exploration well on the Norwegian Continental Shelf in the last 16 months. All four discoveries have been made in well-documented parts of the North Sea and the Norwegian Sea and offer very low cost of supply resource additions that can extend our more than 50-year legacy in Norway”.

To remind, ConocoPhillips has also recently made a gas discovery southwest of the Skarv field in the Norwegian Sea.

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