

阅读:1404次 日期:2020/12/25

据油田技术12月21日消息称,Sulzer Pumps英国公司与GE能源转换公司签订了一份合同,为四个注水泵提供马达,这些水泵将装备未来的浮式生产储油卸油(FPSO)船。

GE能源转换公司总裁兼首席执行官Philippe Piron说:“我们很高兴有机会与Sulzer & MODEC合作,共同开发巴西的这一重要FPSO项目。我们公司在FPSO应用的可靠高效电机的设计、制造、测试和投入运行方面有着悠久的国际历史和经验。通过采用我们的低启动电流和高功率密度技术和专业知识,我们能够满足这些项目日益严格的项目要求。”


GE能源转换公司油气部门负责人Ed Torres表示:“该项目不仅巩固了GE能源转换公司在当今巴西海上FPSO市场发展战略领域之一的地位,而且也有助于通过增加我们目前在这一领域提供和运行的大量设备,展示我们在这一技术和市场上的世界领先地位。”

韩婷 摘译自 油田技术


GE to support oilfield revitalisation project in Brazil

Sulzer Pumps UK have awarded a contract to GE Power Conversion to supply the motors for the four water injection pumps which will equip a future floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) vessel.

“We are delighted to have the opportunity to work with Sulzer & MODEC on this important FPSO project in Brazil,” stated Philippe Piron, President and CEO of GE Power Conversion. “Our company has a long international history and experience in the design, manufacturing, testing and putting into operation [of] reliable and efficient motors for FPSO applications. By deploying our low starting current and high-power density technology and expertise, we are able to meet the increasing stringent project requirements that are demanded by these projects.”

The vessel, currently under construction, will be capable of processing 80 000 bpd of crude oil and 7 million standard m3/d of gas and will have minimum storage capacity of 1 million bbl of crude oil. Its first oil production is planned for 2022. All motors will be manufactured and tested in GE’s rotating machines facility in Nancy, France, and will have a full load test.

“This project not only strengthens GE Power Conversion’s position in one of the most strategic areas of development for the FPSO market today in offshore Brazil,” said Ed Torres, Oil and Gas Segment Leader for GE Power Conversion, “but it also helps to demonstrate our position as one of the world leaders in this technology and market by adding to the large number of equipment that we have supplied and have operating in this area today.”

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