首页>资讯>石油石化>2020年底塞尔维亚Balkan Stream管道将投营

2020年底塞尔维亚Balkan Stream管道将投营

阅读:1688次 日期:2020/12/31

据12月28日Neftegaz.RU.报道,位于塞尔维亚的Balkan Stream是Turkish Stream的延长段,将于12月30日正式投入运营。

塞尔维亚总统表示:“目前正在进行管道测试,一切都在按照预期的进行,在今年年底前,我们将组织一个小型聚会来纪念Balkan Stream天然气管道的投营。”

通过塞尔维亚领土的这段天然气管道是Turkish Stream两条管道其中之一的延续。Turkish Stream于2020年1月8日开始运行,俄罗斯天然气通过这条管道输送到土耳其,然后再输送到保加利亚、塞尔维亚和匈牙利。


Turkish Stream项目是俄罗斯与意大利埃尼集团(ENI)以及法国电力公司(Electricite de France)合作开发的South Stream项目的一个基本战略项目,最初的目标是建设一条从俄罗斯黑海港口阿纳帕(Anapa)一直通往保加利亚瓦尔纳(Varna)的管道。

通过South Stream,天然气将到达奥地利,沿途会经过保加利亚、塞尔维亚和匈牙利。2014年,俄罗斯最终取消了该项目,原因是俄罗斯与欧盟就哪些天然气生产商可以使用这些管道设施发生了争执。

王佳晶 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU.


Alexandar Vucic: The Balkan Stream gas pipeline in Serbia is filled with gas

The test gas flow went through the pipeline.

The Balkan Stream pipeline in Serbia (continuation of Turkish Stream) is filled with gas and it will be officially put in operation on December 30. This was reported today to journalists by Serbian President Aleksandar Vu?i?, quoted by TASS.

"The test gas flow went through the pipeline. We didn't make much noise about that, but on December 30, everything will start as promised," Vu?i? said. "Before the very end of the year we will organize a small party to mark this day," the Serbian president added, according to BTA.

The section passing through the territory of Serbia is a continuation of one of the two pipes of the Turkish Stream set in operation on 8 January 2020, via which Russian gas is delivered to Turkey, and then to Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary.

The construction of the Serbian section started in March 2019. The length of the section is 403 km and the projected power - 13.9 billion cubic meters of gas per year

Turkish Stream is a less ambitious version of South Stream, a project Russia developed in partnership with Italy’s ENI and Electricité de France, originally aimed at constructing a pipeline running from the Black Sea port of Anapa in Russia all the way to Varna in Bulgaria.

From there, South Stream would reach overland to Austria, crossing Bulgaria, Serbia and Hungary. Russia ended up calling off the project in 2014 because of a dispute with the European Union over which gas producers would be allowed to use it.
