

阅读:1638次 日期:2021/01/14

据管道油气新闻网1月7日消息:联合石油天然气公司宣布在埃及Abu Sennan开设ASH-3井。



ASH-3开发井是2021年开采的第一口井,将由运营现金流提供资金。钻探计划中的第二口井将是ASD-1X勘探井,目标是在许可方以北四向浸没式Prospect D结构中的Abu Roash储层,靠近生产中的Al Jahraa油田,如果成功的话,能够快速投入生产。

曼联首席执行官Brian Larkin表示:“我们很高兴ASH-3井已经开钻,一旦到达目标储层,我们期待在适当的时候更新市场。显然,ASH油田有巨大潜力,如果ASH-2井的成功经验可以在这里复制,对合资伙伴来说将是一个了不起的成绩。“



冯娟 摘译自 管道油气新闻网


United Oil & Gas spuds new well in Egypt

United Oil & Gas announced the spudding of the ASH-3 well in the Abu Sennan Licence, in Egypt.

ASH-3 is a vertical well targeting the producing Alam El Bueib reservoirs at a depth of 3,600 to 3,950 meters in an area of the ASH field. The ASH-2 well came onstream at the beginning of 2020 and has produced in excess of 1 million barrels to date (gross).

The ASH-3 well will be drilled by the EDC-50 rig, which has a history of drilling in the Western Desert.

The ASH-3 development well is the first to be drilled in the 2021 campaign, and is to be funded from operational cashflow. The second well in the drilling schedule will be the ASD-1X exploration well, targeting the Abu Roash reservoirs in the 4-way dip-closed Prospect D structure in the north of the Licence, close to the producing Al Jahraa field and if successful is capable of being brought into production quickly.

United's Chief Executive Officer, Brian Larkin commented: "We are delighted that the ASH-3 well has been spudded, and look forward to updating the market in due course, once the well has reached the target reservoirs. There is clearly great potential in the ASH Field, and if the outstanding success that was achieved in the ASH-2 well can be replicated here, it will be a fantastic result for the joint venture partners.

"It is equally pleasing for the joint venture to be back drilling in Egypt again, after the deferral of the majority of the 2020 drilling programme due to the low oil price environment, and we look forward to the drilling of further wells as part of our 2021 campaign, including the ASD-1X exploration well, that will follow after completion of ASH-3."

United holds a 22 per cent working interest in the Licence, which is operated by Kuwait Energy Egypt.

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