

阅读:1564次 日期:2021/02/03

据油气工程1月27日消息称,DNV GL发布的最新研究发现,随着油气公司寻求长期转型,油气行业预计今年将增加对未来能源系统的投资。

创纪录的三分之二(66%)的高级油气专业人士表示,他们的组织将积极适应2021年的低碳能源组合,而2018年这一比例仅为44%。据DNV GL称,约57%的人计划增加对可再生能源的投资,高于去年的44%,一半(48%)的公司预计将增加对绿色或脱碳天然气的投资。


据DNV GL表示,大多数高级油气专业人士预计,这些投资转变将导致行业更广泛的重塑。十分之八(78%)的人认为,未来的行业整合将增加,高于一年前的64%。战略调整还可能涉及资产和业务的出售,63%的人预计将进行更多的分拆、剥离和分拆,高于去年的46%。


DNV GL集团总裁兼首席执行官Remi Eriksen说道:“从2020年开始,从欧洲到中国,净零气候政策开始大量涌现,并在美国引起关注。长期来看,净零排放政策有潜力推动全球能源系统的深度脱碳,它们已经改变了油气行业的发展方向。”



据DNV GL称,2021年,削减成本仍将是全球的首要任务(96%),但油气行业已经开始精简。63%的受访者表示,如果2021年的平均油价在40 - 50美元/桶之间,他们的公司仍将获得可接受的利润。然而,有迹象表明,传统的成本削减方法正在达到极限。

DNV GL副总裁Hans Kristian Danielsen表示:“该行业可用的成本效率杠杆的问题在于,大多数杠杆已经被拉得很厉害。在过去七年中,成本效率一直是优先考虑的问题。对于某些人来说,从海绵中挤出更多的水变得越来越困难。五分之四的高级油气专业人士表示,2021年削减成本将比以往任何时候都更具挑战性。”


在上一次经济衰退期间,石油行业削减成本,等待石油需求上升,然后重新投资石油和天然气。尽管一些业内人士期望快速复苏,但DNV GL的研究表明,大多数人都将目光投向了更长远的转型投资,即那些将使行业脱碳的项目。


朱佳妮 摘译自 油气工程


DNV GL: Oil and gas industry to increase green investments

New research published by DNV GL finds that the oil and gas industry expects to boost investment in the energy systems of the future this year, as companies seek to transform for the long term.

A record two-thirds (66%) of senior oil and gas professionals report that their organisation is actively adapting to a less carbon-intensive energy mix in 2021, up from just 44% in 2018. Some 57% plan to increase investment in renewables, up from 44% last year, half (48%) expect to increase investment in green or decarbonised gas, DNV GL states.

Just a fifth (21%) say they will increase investment in oil projects in 2021, as the sector increasingly comes to terms with the notion that the world’s demand for oil has peaked or will peak in the short to medium term. Expectations for an increase in natural gas investment remain steady at 37%.

According to DNV GL, the majority of senior oil and gas professionals expect these shifts in investment will lead to a wider reshaping of the industry. Eight-in-10 (78%) believe there will be increased consolidation in the year ahead, up from 64% one year ago. Strategic reorientation may also involve asset and business sales, with 63% expecting more demergers, divestments and spin-offs, up from 46% last year.

Transformational investments come despite a crash in confidence for industry growth following the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent oil and gas market crash. Only 39% of senior oil and gas professionals are confident about industry growth in 2021, down from 66% last year.

“Net-zero climate policies began to proliferate in 2020, from Europe to China, and made it onto the table in the US. Long term, net zero policies have the potential to drive deep decarbonisation of the world’s energy system, and they are already changing the direction of the oil and gas industry,” said Remi Eriksen, Group President and Chief Executive Officer of DNV GL.

The oil and gas industry is moving through its third major downturn in 12 years, but the outlook for 2021 is influenced by the possibility that this downturn may be different from those of the past. Perhaps the most significant difference for the industry for 2021, is the shift in capital away from fossil fuels.

“The financial markets – through the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic – have seen what peak oil demand could look like, and are increasingly factoring in changing sentiment in society towards a decarbonised future. Decarbonisation has moved from something on the horizon to an immediate priority, and there are signs that our sector may invest to transform rather than cut its way out of the present crisis,” said Eriksen.

According to DNV GL, cost cutting will still be a universal priority (96%) for 2021, but the industry is already lean. A resilient 63% say their organisation will still achieve acceptable profits if the oil price averages between US$40 to 50 per bbl in 2021. However, there are signs that traditional cost cutting methods are hitting their limits.

“The trouble with the industry’s available cost efficiency levers is that most of them have been pulled quite hard already. Cost efficiency has been an uninterrupted priority in each of the past seven years. For some, it is getting harder to squeeze any more water from the sponge,” said Hans Kristian Danielsen, Vice President, DNV GL. “Four fifths of senior oil and gas professionals say cost cutting will be more challenging than ever in 2021.”

Significantly, the oil and gas industry is not hitting the spending brakes as hard as it did after the downturn in 2014. While the proportion of respondents expecting to maintain or increase capex in the year ahead has fallen to 62% – down from 72% going into 2020 – this is much higher than the 43% recorded following the last downturn.

The industry cut costs and waited for oil demand to rise during the last downturn, then renewed investment in oil and gas. While some in the industry are expecting a quick recovery, DNV GL’s research shows that most are looking longer term to transformational investments – to projects that will decarbonise the industry.

“Companies are betting long term when making transformational investments, aiming to navigate the multiple transitions taking place at different speeds around the world. While we see a crash in confidence for industry growth in 2021, we see growing confidence in the opportunities that lie in a decarbonised future,” said Danielsen.
