

阅读:1589次 日期:2021/05/26

据ICIS-MRC网站5月21日莫斯科报道,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)首席执行长伍兹(Darren Woods)在接受采访时表示,该公司正通过与竞争对手和政府官员谈判,推进美国墨西哥湾沿岸的碳捕获和存储项目。

这家美国最大的石油生产商本月提出了一项公私合作的倡议,将收集并封存休斯顿航道(Houston Ship Channel)沿线石化工厂排放的温室气体二氧化碳。休斯顿航道是休斯顿港的一部分,长50英里(合80公里)。


埃克森美孚表示,公司和政府机构至少要花费1000亿美元来资助这个项目,该项目到2030年可储存5000万吨二氧化碳,到2040年将增加一倍。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)分析师德文?麦克德莫特(Devin McDermott)在周五的一份报告中表示,埃克森美孚、美国竞争对手雪佛龙(Chevron Corp .)和西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum)在碳捕集和存储技术方面处于"独特的优势地位"。他称,休斯敦航道的提案将需要“新的政策来推动投资”。


该提议提出之际,埃克森正面临其增加化石燃料产量的计划的代理权之争,该计划可能会大大扩大其碳排放量。维权对冲基金Engine No. 1正在与公司争夺四个董事会席位和公司的战略方向。


郝芬 译自 ICIS-MRC


ExxonMobil is advancing a carbon capture and storage project in US

ExxonMobil is advancing a carbon capture and storage project along the U.S. Gulf of Mexico through talks with rivals and government officials, Chief Executive Darren Woods said in an interview, said Hydrocarbonprocessing.

The largest U.S. oil producer this month floated a public-private initiative that would collect and sequester planet-warming carbon dioxide emissions from petrochemical plants along the Houston Ship Channel, a 50-mile (80-km) long waterway that is part of the Port of Houston.

Woods declined to identify by name the businesses Exxon hopes to attract to the project, saying he aims to lure the region"s top 50 CO2 emitters, and is lobbying federal, state and local officials for support. "I"ve been very involved with conversations with the mayor and the local government officials in Houston, with the governor and officials here in Texas, and at the federal level in the administration on this opportunity," Woods said in an interview.

It would cost at least USD100 billion from companies and government agencies to finance a project that could store 50 million tonnes of CO2 by 2030 and double that amount by 2040, Exxon has said. Exxon and U.S. rivals Chevron Corp and Occidental Petroleum are "uniquely positioned to scale" carbon capture and storage technology, said Morgan Stanley analyst Devin McDermott in a report on Friday. The Houston Ship Channel proposal would require "new policies to drive investment," he said.

The project faces enormous hurdles, including financing and support from government agencies for permitting and carbon regulations. Woods compared the project to "starting a new business, like we did in Papua New Guinea, like we"re doing in Guyana, where you"ve got to bring together a lot of different factors to make those concepts work," Woods said.

The proposal arose as Exxon faces a proxy fight over its plan to increase fossil fuel production that could greatly expand its carbon emissions. Activist hedge fund Engine No. 1 is battling the company over four board seats and the company"s strategic direction.

"We"re basically working and using the channels that we"ve exercised real well over the years in terms of how do you bring together these large scale, complicated project opportunities to move the needle," Woods said.
