

阅读:1469次 日期:2019/01/08

据WENews 网站2019年1月6日新加坡报道,由于热带风暴“帕布”进入泰国湾,总部位于新加坡的上游油气公司克里斯能源公司(KrisEnergy)关闭了其在泰国湾附近的瓦萨纳(Wassana)油田的钻井和生产作业。



G10/48合同区面积1525平方公里,位于帕塔尼盆地南部,水深可达60米。克里斯能源公司是G10/48许可证区块的运营商,持有89%的经营权益。Palang Sophon有限公司持有剩余的11%经营权益。


李峻 编译自 WENews


KrisEnergy Halts Thai Drilling and Production

Singapore-based upstream oil and gas company KrisEnergy has shut-in its producing Wassana oilfield off Thailand due to tropical storm Pabuk that entered the Gulf of Thailand.

Southeast Asian company said in a press note that as a safety precaution due to Tropical Storm Pabuk, it has temporarily shut in oil production at the Wassana field in the G10/48 licence in the Gulf of Thailand and halted drilling of infill development wells by the Mist jack-up rig.

"All crew from the Wassana mobile offshore production unit and Mist jack-up rig have been safely evacuated to onshore Thailand," it said.

The G10/48 contract area covers 1,525 sq. km over the Southern Pattani Basin in water depths of up to 60 metres. KrisEnergy is the operator of G10/48 holding 89% working interest. Palang Sophon Limited holds the remaining 11%.

KrisEnergy holds working interests in three producing oil and/or gas licences, two in the Gulf of Thailand and one onshore Bangladesh. It also participates in 11 blocks in various stages of development, appraisal and exploration in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam.

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