

阅读:1505次 日期:2019/01/08




2019年1月6日,工贸部部长D. Manturov在接受WG采访时表示,该系统的试点项目将于2019年上半年在西北联邦地区启动。试点项目的数据源将是信息系统VIOCs。Rosstandart将收集所有公司的数据。

陈菲 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


The Russian government will introduce a new quality control system for gasoline

Moscow Neftegaz.RU. The Russian government is optimistic about introducing a fuel quality control system from the refinery ( refinery ) to the gas tank.

It is assumed that experts will monitor the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of gasoline . So, if the refinery took 100 tons of fuel, then the same should be poured into gas tanks. The discrepancy of these figures in theory will indicate violations, since one of the most popular ways to produce counterfeit is to mix home-made fuel from a mini-refinery with high-quality gasoline .

The main problem, according to the authorities, is that such “mixtures” come to the gas station with legal documents. The developed traceability system will show where the mixing took place - at the tank farm, during transportation or already directly in the gas station tanks, and the identification of “unaccounted for” will be a key indicator for controllers and a reason for unscheduled checking throughout the chain.

The pilot project of the system will be launched in the Northwestern Federal District in the first half of 2019, said the Minister of Industry and Trade D. Manturov in an interview with the WG on January 6, 2019. With the initiative to introduce such a control system, the market participants themselves came out. The data sources for the pilot project will be informational information system VIOCs. Rosstandart will collect data from all companies .

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