

阅读:1436次 日期:2019/01/10



Orsted的投资组合包括英国11个运营中的海上风电场,另外 2个项目目前正在建设中,很快将使Orsted在英国的装机容量超过6,300兆瓦 –所有项目都包含在授予SMC的检查框架内。

SMC于2009年开始与Orsted合作开展Gunfleet Sands项目,并向整个欧洲的开发商提供一系列服务。根据最新的合同,SMC将为全国各地的开发项目提供高技能的当地人,该公司在服务Orsted东海岸和西海岸枢纽方面处于非常有利的位置。

SMC运营总监Dean Coates评论说:“我们非常自豪能够继续与Orsted建立长期合作关系。他们对高质量,安全解决方案的承诺完全符合我们的价值观,他们致力于发展其当地社区项目的技能也完全符合我们的价值观。”

董飞 摘译自 离岸工程


SMC Wins Orsted Contract for UK Offshore

The largest energy company in Denmark Orsted have awarded Specialist Marine Consultants (SMC) with a framework agreement to provide statutory inspection and auxiliary services to their sites across the UK.

SMC, the UK-based marine consultancy, said that the contract will run for an initial 2-year period, with extension options available for a further 2-years, based on performance.

Orsted’s portfolio includes 11 operational offshore windfarms in the United Kingdom, with a further 2 projects currently under construction, soon taking Orsted’s installed capacity in the UK to over 6,300MW – all sites are included within the inspection framework awarded to SMC.

SMC began working with Orsted in 2009 across the Gunfleet Sands project and have since gone on to deliver a range of services to the developer throughout Europe. This latest contract award will see SMC provide highly-skilled local people to developments across the country, with the company extremely well placed to service both Orsted’s East and West coast hubs.

Dean Coates, Operations Director at SMC commented, “We are extremely proud to continue to build upon our long-standing relationship with Orsted. Their commitment to high-quality, safe solutions is entirely aligned with our own values, as is their commitment to developing the skills of the communities local to their projects”.
