

阅读:1067次 日期:2019/01/17

据1月16日Trade Arabia阿布扎比报道,据媒体报道,阿布扎比未来能源公司(Masdar)宣布签署一项股权收购协议(SPA),以收购John Laing集团在美国两个风电场的股权。


根据收购条款,Masdar将收购John Laing在德克萨斯州的Rocksprings风电场和新墨西哥州的Sterling风电场的股权。


Masdar首席执行官Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi说,“扩大我们在美国的业务范围是Masdar清洁能源业务的一个决定性时刻,也是我们努力扩大公司全球可再生能源投资组合(目前覆盖25多个国家)的又一步。”


孔丽炜 摘译自Trade Arabia


The Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) has announced the execution of a share purchase agreement (SPA) to acquire John Laing Group plc’s interest in two wind farms in the US, a media report said.

This marks the first time the Abu Dhabi-based company has invested in renewable energy projects in North America, reported Emirates news agency Wam.

Under the terms of the acquisition, Masdar will acquire John Laing’s interest in the Rocksprings wind farm in Texas and the Sterling wind farm in New Mexico.

The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2019.

Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, chief executive officer of Masdar, said, "Extending our reach into the United States is a defining moment for Masdar’s clean energy operations and a further step forward in our efforts to expand the company’s global renewable energy portfolio, which now encompasses more than 25 countries."

"The United States provides excellent commercial potential in the long-term, with a record 6.3 per cent of the country’s electricity generated from wind in 2017. We aim to increase our investments in the US in the next few years as we continue to strengthen our current partnerships and explore new business opportunities."
