

阅读:1028次 日期:2019/01/17


俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司与KhMAO之前的合作协议期限为2014 - 2018年,现已过期。在这方面,A.Miller和N. Komarova签署了一份关于新的5年期(2019-2023年)的协议。该协议旨在加强互利伙伴关系,稳定该地区的社会经济发展,改善投资环境。

特别是,根据协议,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司将继续确保向该地区消费者提供可靠的天然气供应,及时向汉特-曼西自治区和市政部门的预算转移税款和其他强制性付款,实施环保措施。俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司将帮助保持和提高该地区的就业水平,并聘用年轻的专业人 士。该协议还规定俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司还可能进一步参与地区项目,以支持北部的当地原住民及其传统经济部门的发展。


KhMAO是俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司的战略利益区域。在2019年1月15日的会议上,A.Miller和N. Komarov讨论了合作的前景。它包括,关于该公司在该地区天然气输送和加工设施的发展。鉴于天然气运输路线要经过汉特-曼西自治区奥克格尔的领土,这一点尤其重要,因为从西伯利亚西部北部的气田运来的天然气要经过该领土运往俄罗斯的欧洲部分。

Gazprom正积极投资汉特—曼西自治区的项目。2013-2018 年,俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司及其子公司(不包括俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司)在汉特—曼西斯克自治区的资本投资额达837亿卢布。2019年的投资计划为70亿卢布。如果我们考虑在2018年,A. Miller承诺N. Komarova将在KMAO投资38亿卢布,2019年的投资几乎再次翻了一番。Punginsky地下储气库(UGS )扩建项目的实施以及苏尔古特凝析油稳定厂甲醇丙烷馏分净化装置的建设仍在继续。

曹海斌 摘译自 Neftegaz.RU


In 2019 Gazprom will double investment in projects in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug Again

Moscow, Neftegaz.RU. Gazprom and the government of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KMAO) have signed a new long-term cooperation agreement.

The term of the previous cooperation agreement between Gazprom and KhMAO, concluded for 2014-2018. has expired. In this regard, A. Miller and N. Komarova signed a document covering the new 5-year period - 2019-2023.The document is aimed at strengthening mutually beneficial partnership, stable socio-economic development of the region, improving the investment climate.

In particular, in accordance with the agreement, Gazprom will continue to ensure reliable gas supply to consumers in the district, timely transfer of tax and other obligatory payments to the budget of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and municipal formations, implementation of environmental measures. Gazprom will help preserve and raise the level of employment in the region, and employ young professionals. The agreement also provides for the possibility of Gazprom’s further participation in regional programs to support the small indigenous peoples of the North and the development of their traditional economic sectors.

In turn, the government of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug will contribute to the formation of a favorable tax regime, will assist Gazprom and its subsidiaries in resolving land issues, obtaining the necessary approvals for the implementation of investment projects. The leadership of the region will take measures to ensure full and timely payment by consumers of gas supplies.

KhMAO is a region of strategic interests of Gazprom. During the meeting on January 15, 2019, A. Miller and N. Komarov discussed prospects for cooperation. It was, including, on the development of gas transmission and processing facilities of the company in the region. This is especially important given the fact that gas transportation routes pass through the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, through which gas from the fields in the north of Western Siberia is transported to the European part of Russia.

Gazprom is actively investing in projects in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area. In 2013-2018 the volume of capital investments of Gazprom and its subsidiaries (excluding Gazprom Neft ) in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug amounted to 83.7 billion rubles. In 2019, investments are planned at 7 billion rubles. If we consider that in 2018 A. Miller promised N. Komarova to invest in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug 3.8 billion rubles., the investment in 2019 again almost doubles. The implementation of projects for the expansion of the Punginsky underground gas storage ( UGS ) and the construction of a plant for the purification of the propane fraction from methanol at the Surgut condensate stabilization plant continues .

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