

阅读:1002次 日期:2019/01/17

据gas world网1月15日消息 KGSU位于俄克拉何马州的塞米诺尔县,占地约883.7英亩,主要由Gilcrease砂岩常见的石油供应来源构成。

DME能源公司首席执行官Irwin Olian表示:“我们非常高兴完成了对俄克拉荷马州塞米诺尔县Kight Gilcrease Sand部门的收购。这是一个为公司发展大量现金流的绝佳机会,同时也为我们在俄克拉荷马州提供了一个运营基地。”





吴慧丹 摘译自 gas world


Desert Mountain Energy acquires Oklahoma helium project

The KGSU comprises an area of approximately 883.7 acres in Seminole County, Oklahoma, which is substantially underlain by the Gilcrease Sandstone common source of oil supply.

“We are extremely pleased to have closed our acquisition of the Kight Gilcrease Sand Unit in Seminole County, Oklahoma,” Irwin Olian, Desert Mountain Energy CEO,“It represents a strong opportunity to develop significant cash flow for the Company and at the same time it gives us a base of operations in Oklahoma.

“Oklahoma has been one of the leading producers of helium among states in the US and this will provide us with access to potential helium opportunities in the region as an adjunct to our flagship Heliopolis helium project in Arizona. Immediate plans for the KGSU contemplate reworking of existing wells in the field.”

Under the terms of the definitive Purchase Agreement between Desert Mountain Energy Corp., Seminole Productions, LLC, an Oklahoma private company and Desert Energy Corp., Desert Mountain Energy Corp.’s US subsidiary, Desert Mountain Energy Corp. has acquired certain oil and gas interests comprising the KGSU.

DME is paying $180,000, of which $90,000 is payable on closing and US$90,000 is payable within one year thereafter.

DME, with headquarters in Vancouver, Canada, is engaged in exploration and development of helium, oil and gas and mineral properties in the Southwestern US. It is also involved in exploration and development of helium resources in Arizona’s Holbrook Basin.

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