

阅读:1569次 日期:2019/03/05


消息人士称,在英国亿万富翁Jim Ratcliffe旗下的能源和化工公司英力士(Ineos) 放弃与美国公司的独家谈判后,康菲石油最近几周重新启动了出售进程。



消息人士称,两家公司在去年12月合并挪威资产,成立独立生产商Var Energi后,正寻求加强在北海的合作。

在私人股本公司Eig Global Partners的支持下,在2017年以38亿美元的价格从荷兰皇家壳牌公司收购资产后,Chorevor成为北海最大的生产商之一。

该公司首席执行官Phil Kirk表示,他希望扩大Chrysaor在该盆地的业务。




孔丽炜 摘译自路透社


Eni, HitecVision team up to bid for Conoco's North Sea assets - sources

Italy's Eni has teamed up with private equity firm HitecVision to bid against Chrysaor for ConocoPhillip's North Sea oil and gas assets, sources close to the process said.

Conoco relaunched the sale process in recent weeks after energy and chemicals firm Ineos, privately owned by British billionaire Jim Ratcliffe, abandoned exclusive talks with the U.S. company, the sources said.

The sale, which would mark Conoco's exit from the ageing basin after more than 50 years, was expected to raise up to $2 billion.

Eni is partnering with Norway's HitecVision to bid for the assets, sources close to the process said.

The two firms are looking to tighten cooperation in the North Sea after merging their Norwegian assets to create independent producer Var Energi in December, the sources said.

Chrysaor, backed by private equity firm EIG Global Partners, became one of the largest North Sea producers after acquiring assets from Royal Dutch Shell for $3.8 billion in 2017.

Its Chief Executive Officer Phil Kirk has stated he wants to grow Chrysaor's operations in the basin.

Chrysaor was looking at Conoco's assets before Ineos entered exclusive talks and was now preparing a formal bid, the sources said.

Chrysaor was expected to carry on with its bid for Chevron's North Sea assets, the sources said.

HitecVision was not immediately available to comment. Eni, Chrysaor, Ineos and Conoco declined to comment.

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