

阅读:1414次 日期:2019/03/05







李峻 编译自 俄罗斯油气新闻


Brussels assesses potential for Turkmen gas deliveries to EU

Neftegaz.RU. The EU and Turkmenistan held their 18th meeting of the Joint Committee on February 26, Trend reported with reference to the EU website.

The Joint Committee reviewed the progress made last year between the EU and Turkmenistan. The EU informed Turkmen partners about the preparations for the new EU Strategy on Central Asia, to be adopted soon.

Turkmenistan provided an update on domestic energy developments including the progress of the construction of the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India (TAPI) gas pipeline and energy efficiency issues. The sides assessed the potential for Turkmen gas deliveries to the EU.

The meeting was chaired by Luc Devigne, director for Russia, Eastern Partnership, Central Asia, Regional Cooperation and OSCE countries of the European External Action Service, as the head of the EU delegation. The delegation of Turkmenistan was led by Batyr Bazarov, minister of finance and economy of Turkmenistan.

The EU and Turkmenistan are committed to implementing a project designed to bring Turkmen hydrocarbon energy carriers to European markets. The negotiations have been underway since 2011.

The project of laying a 300-km gas pipeline along the bottom of the Caspian Sea to the shores of Azerbaijan is optimal for the delivery of Turkmen gas to the European market. Further, the Turkmen gas can be delivered to Turkey, which borders with European countries.

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