

阅读:1451次 日期:2019/03/11

据普氏能源资讯休斯顿3月8日消息称,切尼尔能源公司周五表示,根据与英国森特理克和法国道达尔的长期合同,切尼尔能源公司将于8月开始进行商业交付。该公司已在路易斯安那州的Sabine Pass液化天然气终端完成了第五条生产线的大量交付。

这家美国最大的液化天然气出口国一直在提高Sabine Pass及其位于得克萨斯州科珀斯克里斯蒂附近的总段的服务水平,同时,随着国内液化服务竞争加剧,该公司还在开发一条中型扩建项目和一条新的原料天然气管道。


切尼尔目前在Sabine Pass运营五条生产线,并且正在接近第六条生产线的最终投资决定。在德克萨斯州的工厂,它正在运营一条生产线并再建两条生产线。



切尼尔周五在一份声明中宣布,5号生产线在Sabine Pass已经基本完工。他说,已经完成了调试,承包商Bechtel已经移交了对该机组的照顾、保管和控制。


在Sabine Pass5号生产线运营开始时,森特理克同意从切尼尔购买约175万吨/年的液化天然气为期20年的协议。道道达尔同意一项为期20年的协议,在5号线开始运营时每年购买约200万吨。道达尔的安排包括季节性销量。


曹海斌 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


British, French buyers to receive commercial cargoes from Cheniere Sabine Pass starting August

Cheniere Energy will begin making commercial deliveries in August under long-term offtake contracts with Britain's Centrica and France's Total now that it has achieved substantial completion of its fifth train at its Sabine Pass LNG export terminal in Louisiana, the company said Friday.

The biggest US LNG exporter has been ramping up service at Sabine Pass and its terminal near Corpus Christi, Texas, while also developing a mid-scale expansion and a new feedgas pipeline amid increased competition for domestic liquefaction services.

The number of US export terminals in operation is expected to double by the end of this year, and more than a dozen new liquefaction projects are actively being developed. Cheniere, for its part, has been aggressively pursuing new long-term supply agreements with buyers in Europe and Asia, in an effort to solidify its market position.

Cheniere is currently operating five trains at Sabine Pass and is nearing a final investment decision on a sixth train there. At its Texas facility, it is operating one train and building two more.

On March 4, the company announced that substantial completion of Train 1 at Corpus Christi had been achieved, and with that milestone it said that it would begin commercial deliveries from the Texas terminal in June to Spain 's Endesa and Indonesia 's PT Pertamina under long-term agreements. Those contracts were signed in 2013 and 2014.

Two 20-year agreements that were signed with Endesa called for the Spanish electric utility to buy a total of approximately 2.25 million mt/year of LNG upon commencement of service from Cheniere's Texas facility. Two 20-year agreements signed with state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina of Indonesia encompassed approximately 1.52 million mt/of LNG from Corpus Christi trains 1 and 2.

In a statement Friday announcing substantial completion of Train 5 at Sabine Pass, Cheniere said that commissioning had been completed that that contractor Bechtel had turned over care, custody and control of the unit.

The offtake agreements tied to that train with Centrica and Total were signed in 2012 and 2013.

Centrica agreed to a 20-year deal to purchase approximately 1.75 million mt/year of LNG from Cheniere upon the start of Sabine Pass Train 5 operations. Total agreed to a 20-year deal to buy about 2 million mt/year upon the start of Train 5 operations. Total's arrangement includes seasonal volumes.

With three of the four deals across the two terminals tied to European buyers, the start of commercial deliveries comes at an opportune time for Cheniere. Europe has been a favored destination for US LNG cargoes in recent months, with stronger netbacks than cargoes shipped to Asia.

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