

阅读:1518次 日期:2019/03/19




董事长兼首席财务官John Lepin表示:“我们已从Premiere天然气公司手中收购了罗杰斯县项目。该项目通过生产现有井、完成上部区域的部分界定边缘井、在当前租约上钻取和完成补偿位置、租赁额外面积和开发以增加产量,具有极好的增产潜力。这些租约和油井位于罗杰斯县的三个不同区域。收购后,第一个目标是重新完成、返工和维修旧设备。”

曹海斌 摘译自 天然气工业


Alpha Energy acquires oil and gas assets in Oklahoma

Alpha Energy, Inc. has announced that it has signed a definitive purchase and sale agreement with Premier Gas Co., LLC to acquire oil and gas assets in Oklahoma, US, in the Rogers Project.

In the statement, Alpha Energy claims that one of the acquisitions it has targeted is a shallow gas well prospect in Rogers County, Oklahoma. The well reportedly consists of approximately 3429 acres of proven developed and non-developed oil and gas leases.

As the infrastructure currently exists, it will reduce the capital necessary to increase production. Once the acquisition is complete, the first objective is to recomplete, rework and repair older equipment. Once the first phase is complete and cash flow is established, phase two will be implemented. In phase two, Alpha Energy claims that it will drill shallow wells in order to test formations from the Bartlesville to the bottom of the Granite. This will increase total production and add reserves.

John Lepin, Chairman and Chief Financial Officer, said: “We have acquired the Rogers County Project from Premiere Gas Co. This project has excellent potential for production growth by producing existing wells, completing some of the defined margin wells in the upper zones, drill and complete offset locations on the current leases, lease additional acreage and develop for increased production. The leases and wells are located within three different areas in Rogers County. Upon acquisition, the first objective is to recomplete, rework and repair older equipment.”
