首页>资讯>企业资讯>EIA:夏季驾驶季节伊始 美国汽油价格上涨

EIA:夏季驾驶季节伊始 美国汽油价格上涨

阅读:1468次 日期:2019/05/27




孙子舒 编译自 安迅思


US gasoline prices rising as summer driving season begins - EIA

US gasoline prices have increased steadily in every month this year, leading up to the start of the summer driving season, which kicks off with the Memorial Day three-day weekend. 25-27 May.

Prices at the pump across the US have increased by about 64 cents/gal in the first five months this year for about a 29% gain, based on data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

A gas price expert with the American Automobile Association (AAA), Jeanette Casselano, said the stability of fuel prices over the past year gives an economic edge to car trips.“Overall, prices are very similar to this time last year and, like then, drivers aren’t letting that deter them from taking summer road trips,” Casselano said.


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