

阅读:1144次 日期:2019/05/28







李峻 编译自 全球能源新闻


Brazil wants to double gas outflow from pre-salt formation

New routes to deliver the natural gas produced in the pre-salt could require $2 billion in investments, according to the Energy Research Company (EPE). The pipeline study would each have the capacity to transport between 10 MMcmd to 15 MMcmd, more than doubling the volume of existing infrastructure.

Currently, only two major pipelines connect the pre-salt to the Brazilian coast: Route 1 and Route 2, with a capacity between 10 MMcmd and 16 MMcmd, respectively. The first links the Lula and Sapinhoá fields to the pipeline between the Mexilh?o field and the Gas Processing Unit of Caraguatatuba (SP), while the second connects the Santos region to the Cabiúnas Gas Treatment Terminal in Macaé (RJ), according to EPE.

In addition, Route 3, which will deliver 18 MMcmd of the Santos Basin cluster to Comperj, in Itaboraí (RJ), is being finalized. The ultra shallow stretch of the pipeline is being installed by McDermott, contracted by Petrobras.

Route 4 would link the south of the Santos Basin to Praia Grande (SP), while the fifth and sixth pipelines would connect assets from the Campos Basin to the Porto A?u (RJ) and Porto Central (ES), respectively .

On Tuesday, May 21, MME Natural Gas Director Symone Araújo recalled during a presentation at the CWC World Gas Series in Rio de Janeiro that the pre-salt is responsible for 51% of the gas produced and this additional volume needs to be made viable.

The director added that the regime of permanent supply areas promoted by the ANP provides a scenario of continuity to the development of fields, ensuring greater dynamics to the industry.
