首页>资讯>石油石化>Bumi Armada公司称2019年第一季度净利润增长

Bumi Armada公司称2019年第一季度净利润增长

阅读:1079次 日期:2019/05/28

据海上能源5月27日报道,马来西亚海上石油支持船(OSV)和浮式生产储油卸油船(FPSO)租赁公司Bumi Armada公布了2019年第一季度净利润的增长。

该公司净利润为6220万马来西亚林吉特,高于一年前的4870万RM 。

增加的主要原因是2018年年初到目前为止(YTD)应收账款减值损失备抵增加,2018年12月31日终了的财政年度,Aramada kraken FPSO和某些OSV船舶上确认的减值损失导致折旧减少。这一增加也是由于Armada KrakenIIIFPSO在2019年Ytd中因确认递延税金资产而降低的税收费用和2019年Ytd确认的管理费较低而产生的结果份额增加。

2019年第一季度的收入为4.916亿RM ,低于去年第一季度的6亿RM 。该公司表示,收入下降的主要原因是2018年12月在里海完成了Lukoil项目。

Bumi Armada浮式生产和运营(FPO)业务报告收入为4.256亿RM ,低于2018年第一季度的4.603亿RM 。Bumi Armada表示,这一下降是由于越南的Armada TGT 1 FPSO的收入减少,该船现在其延期合同中。

经营40多艘海上支援船的海上服务业务(OMS)报告显示,收入为6600万RM ,低于1.4亿RM 。


Bumi Armada解释,抵消收入下降的办法是降低销售成本、销售和分销成本以及行政费用。此外,相对于2018年第一季度,该集团在2019年第一季度的合资企业和合作伙伴的贡献更大。

郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


Bumi Armada sees 1Q profit rise despite revenue decline

Malaysian OSV and FPSO leasing company Bumi Armada has posted a rise in net profit for the first quarter of 2019.

The company’s net profit was 62.2 million Malaysian ringgit, up from RM 48.7 million a year ago.

“The increase is mainly due to higher allowance for impairment losses of receivables in YTD 2018 and lower depreciation as a result of impairment losses recognized on the Armada Kraken FPSO and certain OSV vessels during the financial year ended 31 December 2018. The increase is also contributed by higher share of results from Karapan Armada Sterling III [FPSO] in YTD 2019 arising from lower tax expense due to recognition of deferred tax assets and lower management fees recognized in YTD 2019. ”

Revenue for the 1Q 2019 was RM491.6 million which is lower compared to last year first quarter’s RM600 million. The company said the decrease in revenue was mainly due to the completion of the Lukoil project in the Caspian Sea in December 2018.

Bumi Armada’s Floating Production and Operation (FPO) business reported revenue of RM425.6 million, down from RM460.3 million in the first quarter of 2018. The decline, Bumi Armada said, is due to lower revenue from Armada TGT 1 FPSO in Vietnam, with the vessel now in its extension agreement contract.

The offshore marine services business (OMS), operating over 40 offshore support vessels, reported revenue of RM66.0 million, down from RM140.0 million.

The decline versus Q1 2018 revenue is due to Armada Installer and Armada Constructor completing their contracts at the end of 2018, Bumi said, adding that the OSV segment was unchanged in Q1 2019, as fleet utilization remained below 40%.

“Offsetting the revenue decline were reductions in expense for cost of sales, selling and distribution cost, and administrative cost. In addition, the Group had a stronger contribution from its joint venture and associates in Q1 2019, versus Q1 2018,” Bumi Armada explained.
