

阅读:1110次 日期:2019/05/28

据道琼斯5月27日消息,奥地利油气公司OMV周一表示,公司正在重组下游业务的结构, Manfred Leitner将辞去执行董事一职。这家奥地利公司表示,将把下游业务拆分为炼油和石化业务以及营销和贸易。该公司表示:“这使OMV的组织始终沿着价值链前进,并确保其为应对未来的战略挑战做好准备。”

OMV任命Thomas Gangl为炼油和石化业务执行董事会成员,自7月1日起生效。OMV执行董事会主席兼首席执行官Rainer Seele将暂时接管营销和交易部门的管理,直至获得长期任命。

张春晓 摘译自 道琼斯原文如下:

OMV Reorganizes Downstream Business Structure

OMV AG (OMV.VI) said Monday that it is reorganizing the structure of its downstream business and that Manfred Leitner will resign as executive board member.

The Austrian company said it will split its downstream business into refining & petrochemical operations and marketing & trading.

"This positions OMV's organization consistently along the value chain and ensures its preparedness for tackling strategic challenges in the future," said the company.

OMV appointed Thomas Gangl as executive board member for refining & petrochemical operations, effective July 1.

Rainer Seele, chairman of the executive board and chief executive of OMV, will take over management of the marketing & trading division on an interim basis until a permanent appointment has been made.

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