

阅读:1572次 日期:2019/07/18

据海湾油气7月16日消息称,非洲基础设施解决方案提供商非洲金融公司(“AFC”)宣布,它已为阿克尔 ASA的子公司Aker能源公司提供资金,Aker ASA是挪威市场上质量评级最高的公司之一,也是石油、天然气和工业领域的领导者。AFC的支持是通过投资1亿美元的可转换债券,并承诺参与后续的融资活动。这笔资金将被Aker Energy用于资助开发包含多个油田的加纳近海区块Tano Cape Three Points深水区块。




曹海斌 摘译自 海湾油气


AFC Provides $100M To Aker Energy’s Deep Water Offshore Oil Project

Africa Finance Corporation ("AFC"), the leading infrastructure solutions provider in Africa, announces it has financed Aker Energy A.S., a subsidiary of Aker ASA, one of the highest-quality-rated companies in the Norwegian market and a leader in oil, gas and industrials. AFC’s support is through investing in US$100 million of convertible bond notes with a commitment to participate in follow on fund raising activities. The funds will be used by Aker Energy to finance the development of the Deepwater Tano Cape Three Points block (“DWTCTP” or the “Asset”), a block offshore Ghana containing multiple oil fields.

The Asset is owned by joint venture partners, including Aker Energy (50%), Lukoil (38%), Fueltrade (2%) and a 10% carry for the Ghana National Petroleum Corporation (“GNPC”), wholly owned by the Government of Ghana. The Pecan field, which is the most appraised in the DWTCTP block and the field to be developed in the first phase, is an oil field estimated to contain reserves of about 334 million barrels of oil equivalent.

This investment is aligned with AFC’s overall natural resources strategy, which entails building a portfolio of value added assets across the Energy value chain. By taking an early equity financier role in operational or near-operational upstream assets. AFC can enhance the revenue potential of African states to generate revenue required for investment in infrastructure and social services for its growing populations.

This investment also marks the beginning of AFC and Aker’s mutually beneficial relationship in the exploration and production sector across the African continent; AFC will offer support to Aker, open new opportunities, and mitigate potential geopolitical risks. Aker, with its proven track record of delivering complex deep water projects on time and budget, and a network of affiliates, such as Aker Solutions, a leading subsea equipment and services provider, is an ideal partner for AFC, as it seeks to broaden its partnerships with developers within the natural resources sector.
