

阅读:1372次 日期:2019/07/26




2019年第二季度的碳氢化合物产量为2,957 kboe / d,与2018年第二季度相比增长9%,因为新项目的启动和增加,抵消了自然下降和维护。

该公司董事长兼首席执行官帕特里克·普扬内(Patrick Pouyanné)在评论这些结果时表示,市场仍不稳定,布伦特(Brent)第二季度的平均价格为69美元/桶,比上一季度增长9%,但欧洲和亚洲的天然气价格分别下跌了36%和26%。在此背景下,由于产量略有增加,达到296万油当量/日,经调整的净收入比上一季度增长5%,达到29亿美元,而股本回报率仍高于11%。





本集团于2019年维持其支出纪律,有机投资目标约为140亿美元,平均生产成本为5.5美元/桶。 有机除息前现金流盈亏平衡将保持在30美元/ 桶以下。

由于2018年启动项目的增加和2019年上半年安哥拉Kaombo Sul和英国北海Culzean的初创企业以及即将推出挪威的约翰斯韦德鲁普


郝芬 译自 Offshore Energy


Total plans $5 billion in asset sales as second quarter profit slips on lower oil prices

French oil and gas company Total posted a 26% drop in 2Q net profit as a result of lower oil and gas prices. Total has said it plans to sell about $5 billion worth of assets, mostly from its Exploration & Production business.

The company on Thursday posted adjusted net profit of $2.9 billion, a 19% decrease from the adjusted net profit of $3.6 billion in the same period last year.

Total’s net income was $2.8 billion in 2Q 2019, a 26% decrease compared to 2Q 2018 and net income of $3.7 billion.

Hydrocarbon production was 2,957 kboe/d in 2Q 2019, an increase of 9% compared to 2Q 2018 due to start-up and ramp-up of new projects, offset by natural decline and maintenance.

Commenting on the results, Chairman and CEO, Patrick Pouyanné, said: “Markets remained volatile with Brent averaging $69/b in the second quarter, an increase of 9% compared to the previous quarter, but natural gas prices were down 36% in Europe and 26% in Asia. In this context, with a slight increase in production to 2.96 Mboe/d, adjusted net income increased by 5% compared to the previous quarter to 2.9 B$, and the return on equity remained above 11%.”

“Exploration & Production benefited from the higher Brent with a 15% increase in operating cash flow before working capital changes.”

He added: “In signing an agreement with Occidental to acquire Anadarko’s assets in Africa, the Group is preparing for its future and capitalizing on its strengths. In Mozambique, it leverages its expertise in LNG, in Ghana, the deep offshore and, in Algeria, its historic presence. The Group continues to grow in LNG with the signing of a sales contract with the Chinese company Guanghui, the takeover of Toshiba’s LNG portfolio and the start-up of Cameron LNG in the United States.

“This strategy is complemented by the divestment of high-breakeven assets, such as the recent sale of mature assets in the UK North Sea. This active portfolio management policy will continue with the sale of 5 B$ of assets over the 2019-20 period, the majority coming from Exploration & Production.”

Since the start of the third quarter 2019, Brent has traded above $60/b in a context of renewed OPEC+ quotas and uncertainties about the evolution of production in Libya, Venezuela and Iran. According to Total, the environment remains volatile, with uncertainty about hydrocarbon demand growth related to the outlook for global economic growth.

The Group maintains its spending discipline in 2019 with an organic investment target of around $14 billion and an average production cost of $5.5/boe. The organic pre-dividend cash flow breakeven will remain below $30/b.

Production growth should exceed 9% in 2019, thanks to the ramp-up of projects started in 2018 and the start--ups in the first half 2019 of Kaombo Sul in Angola and Culzean in the UK North Sea, as well as the upcoming Johan Sverdrup in Norway and lara 1 in Brazil.

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