首页>资讯>石油石化>Wintershall DEA将大力发展其在埃及的油气项目

Wintershall DEA将大力发展其在埃及的油气项目

阅读:1399次 日期:2019/07/26

据世界管道7月24日报道,2018年初,Wintershall DEA宣布开始对其所有自有埃及资产实施广泛的工作计划。该公司目前计划在未来三年(2018-2020)内投资超5亿美元,旨在显著提高其在埃及的天然气和石油产量。

Wintershall Dea首席执行官马里奥?梅伦表示:“回顾埃及过去的18个月,我们意识到,自运营资产Disouq和苏伊士湾的上涨潜力很大。此外,西尼罗河三角洲项目正朝着在今年年底前完成五个油田的开发目标迈进。这些成就表明我们对发展埃及油气资源的持久和可持续承诺。我们期待着为埃及能源部门的发展做出进一步的贡献,支持埃及成为该地区的能源中心。”

Wintershall Dea目前正在为其Disouq陆上天然气开发项目和苏伊士湾海上油田实施一项全面的工作计划。为了实现Disouq七个气田产量的大幅提升,Wintershall Dea启动了一项雄心勃勃的再开发计划,它包括九口现有油井的完成和投产连接,新开发井和探井的钻井,以及西北部新油田的开发。

为了提高苏伊士湾成熟油田的产量,Wintershall Dea目前正在对现有油井、钻井侧线进行修复,并用容量更大的新管道替换现有管道。此外,Wintershall Dea正在实施一项计划,通过积极的维护和更新计划来维护资产的完整性。

Wintershall Dea驻埃及董事兼总经理萨迈赫?萨贝里表示:“来自埃及和Wintershall Dea的跨学科联合专家团队的国际业务正在支持我们的合资公司苏伊士石油公司的油气项目。通过我们所执行的措施,一方面正在实现有目标的增产,同时也在可持续地增加基础设施的安全和资产完整性,以造福于环境。”

Wintershall Dea目前的产量约为4万桶/天,并计划在2019年底前进一步大幅提高这一产量。

王佳晶 摘译自 世界管道


Wintershall Dea committed to development in Egypt

In early 2018, Wintershall Dea announced the start of an extensive work programme in all own-operated Egyptian assets. The company is currently investing more than US$500 million over three years (2018 - 2020), aiming to significantly boost its gas and oil production in the country.

“We look back on very active 18 months in Egypt”, says Mario Mehren, CEO of Wintershall Dea. “We have already realised a good part of the upside potential in our own-operated assets Disouq and in the Gulf of Suez. Furthermore, the West Nile Delta project is progressing towards completing the development of the five fields by end of this year. These achievements are indicative of our lasting and sustainable commitment to Egypt,” he adds. “We look forward to making further contributions to the development of the Egyptian energy sector, supporting the country on its way to become an energy hub for the region.”

Wintershall Dea is currently conducting a comprehensive work programme for its Disouq onshore gas development project and the offshore oilfields in the Gulf of Suez. To achieve a significant ramp-up of production from the seven gas fields in Disouq, Wintershall Dea started an ambitious re-development program. It includes the completion and connection of nine existing wells to production, the drilling, completion and connection of new development and exploratory wells and the development of a new field in the north-western part.

To increase production from the mature oilfields in the Gulf of Suez, Wintershall Dea is currently carrying out a workover of existing wells, drilling side tracks and replacing existing pipelines with new ones with greater capacity. Additionally, Wintershall Dea is implementing a plan to maintain the assets integrity through an active maintenance and replacement programme.

Sameh Sabry, Managing Director of Wintershall Dea in Egypt says: “Joint interdisciplinary expert teams from Egypt and WIntershall Dea’s international operations are supporting the activities of our Joint Venture company Suez Oil Company. With the measures we have implemented, we are achieving the targeted increase in production on the one hand, but at the same time also sustainably increasing the safety and asset integrity of the infrastructure to the benefit of the environment on the other”.

Wintershall Dea currently produces approximately 40 000 boe/d, with the plan to further increase this rate significantly by the end of 2019.
