

阅读:1506次 日期:2019/08/10



该公司表示:“我们继续推进与数家买方就出售液化天然气和Driftwood公司的股权进行谈判。” 该公司已获得7500万美元的定期贷款,用于一般公司用途。


道达尔总裁兼首席执行官Meg Gentl表示:“道达尔对Tellurian的承诺和投资为建立合资伙伴关系树立了一个国际标准,从2023年开始,美国将向世界提供低成本的液化天然气供应。Tellurian已经执行了一套完整的文档,我们正在使用这些文档作为模板,以确保与合作伙伴达成进一步的协议。我们正准备启动融资债务联合项目,预计将在今年剩余时间内启动。”


曹海斌 摘译自 离岸工程

Total's Investments in Tellurian Totals $907mln

Tellurian, an integrated global natural gas business firm, announced that it entered into definitive agreements with subsidiaries of Total S.A. for a $500 million equity investment in Driftwood Holdings LP, and related purchase of liquefied natural gas (LNG).

Along with Total’s previously announced agreement to purchase approximately $200 million of Tellurian common stock, Total’s aggregate investment in the Tellurian portfolio will be approximately $907 million at final investment decision (FID) for Driftwood, the NASDAQ-listed company said in its second quarter 10-Q filing.

"We continue to advance negotiations for the sale of LNG and interests in Driftwood Holdings with several counter-parties," it said. The company has secured $75 million term loan for general corporate purposes.

"We have received all major permits required for construction and operation of the Driftwood terminal and pipeline," Tellurian informed.

President and CEO Meg Gentle said, “Total’s commitment and investment in Tellurian has set an international standard for a joint venture partnership that will deliver low-cost U.S. LNG supply to the world beginning in 2023. Tellurian has executed a thorough set of documents and we are using those as a template to secure further agreements with partners. We are preparing to launch the project finance debt syndication which we expect to take the remainder of the year.”

Tellurian is developing a portfolio of natural gas production, LNG trading, and infrastructure that includes an ~ 27.6 mtpa LNG export facility and an associated pipeline.

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