首页>资讯>石油石化>投资者因权衡沙特需求而担忧 油价上涨

投资者因权衡沙特需求而担忧 油价上涨

阅读:1180次 日期:2019/08/12




法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas SA)大宗商品市场策略主管哈里齐林吉里安(Harry Tchilinguirian)表示:“美国最近加剧了全球市场的避险情绪,尽管供应方基本面支持,但石油也未能幸免于动荡。”。

孙子舒 编译自 彭博社


Oil rises as investors weigh Saudi action against demand concern

Oil surged to start the U.S. session as investors weighed the latest steps from Saudi Arabia following a selloff earlier in the week.

WTI rose as much as 4.1% in New York, but is still on track to lose about 2% this week.?A surprise gain in U.S. stockpiles helped drive prices to a seven-month low on Wednesday. The International Energy Agency on Friday called the demand outlook “fragile.” Saudi Arabia responded to the rout with a plan to limit output and exports in September.

Crude has fallen about 7% this month as growing fears that the trade spat will expand into a currency war overshadow the risk of supply disruptions in the Middle East. The IEA in its monthly report trimmed forecasts for oil-demand growth this year and next, and warned that it may lower the estimates further.

“The oil has not been immune to the turmoil -- despite supportive supply-side fundamentals,” said Harry Tchilinguirian, head of commodity-markets strategy at BNP Paribas SA.
