

阅读:1267次 日期:2019/08/12

据世界天然气8月9日消息,总部位于挪威的液化天然气设计和工程公司Fuelgarden 能源已在苏格兰的斯凯岛调试安装了一个临时的液化天然气装置。液化天然气装置正在向美威水产(Mowi)在凯里肯新建的鱼类饲料工厂供应天然气。

世界上最大的鲑鱼生产商美威在苏格兰的凯里肯建造了一座新的鱼类饲料工厂。这家鱼饲料工厂预计耗资1.25亿英镑,将为美威在苏格兰、爱尔兰和法罗群岛的鲑鱼养殖场生产鱼饲料。鱼饲料的生产过程需要热能,为此,Fuelgarden 能源设计并项目管理了一个2000立方米的LNG终端的建设。



美威的项目总监Mick Watts称:“我们很高兴Fuelgarden能够在这么短的时间内为我们新建的鱼类饲料工厂临时供应天然气。从项目决策到投产,他们只用了大约三个月的时间。液化天然气装置目前正在供应我们需要的天然气。”

裘寅 编译自 世界天然气


Fuelgarden setting up LNG installation for world’s largest salmon producer

Norway-based LNG design and engineering company Fuelgarden Energy has commissioned a temporary LNG installation on the Isle of Skye in Scotland. The LNG installation is supplying natural gas to Mowi′s newbuilt fish feed factory at Kyleakin.

Mowi, the world′s largest salmon producer, has constructed a new fish feed factory at Kyleakin in Scotland. The fish feed factory, with an estimated cost of £125 million, will produce fish feed to Mowi′s salmon fish farms in Scotland, Ireland and the Faroe Islands. The process to produce the fish feed requires thermal energy, and for this purpose Fuelgarden Energy has designed and project managed the construction of a 2000 m3 LNG terminal.

The LNG terminal is mechanically complete, with commissioning planned for 3Q19. Whilst waiting for the LNG terminal to be started up, Fuelgarden Energy has designed and commissioned a mobile LNG installation that is supplying natural gas to the fish feed factory on a temporary basis.

“As an LNG designer with specialisation in off-grid energy solutions we are very pleased to have been assigned the task by Mowi to design and project manage both the permanent and the temporary LNG solution at their newbuilt fish feed factory at Kyleakin” said Dag Lilletvedt, founder and CEO of Fuelgarden Energy. “The temporary LNG installation has been designed with mobile LNG tanks and by using existing cryogenic equipment in the market”.

Mowi′s Project Director, Mick Watts, says “We are very pleased that Fuelgarden managed to find a way to temporarily supply our newbuilt fish feed factory with natural gas on such short notice. From the time of project decision to the time of commissioning it only took them about three months. The LNG installation is currently supplying the natural gas we require”.
