

阅读:910次 日期:2019/08/13

据8月12日Trend报道,土库曼斯坦总统Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov在土库曼斯坦Avaza旅游区举行的题为“里海:为了发展国际经济合作”会议演讲,并概述了能源部门合作的优先事项。

土库曼总统表示:“在有效利用的情况下, 里海和邻近地区的大量油气储备,可能为里海国家和邻国的国民经济高质量增长提供强大的能源支撑,以确保创建新生产企业和建设工业设施的条件”。他补充道:“里海的能源必须成为该地区经济蓬勃发展的基础。”




马来西亚国家石油公司(Petronas)、Dragon Oil、Buried Hil、RWE Dea AG、Areti和埃尼集团(Eni)等国际公司参与了里海土库曼地区的开发。正在与来自欧洲,美国和亚洲的公司进行谈判。

邹勤 摘自 Trend


Turkmen president calls for intensifying energy co-op in Caspian Sea

While delivering speech at the conference entitled "Caspian Sea: in the interests of developing international economic cooperation" in Turkmenistan’s Avaza tourist zone, President of Turkmenistan Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov outlined the priorities for cooperation in the energy sector, Trend reports on Aug. 12 referring to the Turkmen Dovlet Khabarlary state news agency.

“In case of effective use, big hydrocarbon reserves in the bowels of the Caspian Sea and adjacent territories may give a strong energy impulse to the dynamic and high-quality growth of the national economies of both the Caspian countries and neighboring countries, as well as ensure the conditions for creating new production enterprises and construction of industrial facilities," the Turkmen president said.

“The energy of the Caspian Sea must become the basis for the dynamic development of the economy of the region,” he added.

The president stressed that this would entail the creation of new job places, improvement of the quality and standard of living of people and the construction of social infrastructure.

“Industrial growth, mainly associated with an increase in hydrocarbon production, may fundamentally change the entire economic situation at this part of the world, integrate the Caspian region into the global economic area as an equal and effective partner,” the president added.

Some 32 licensed blocks with projected reserves of 11 billion tons of oil and 5.5 trillion cubic meters of gas from the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea (excluding already contracted blocks) were put up for an international tender.

Turkmenistan annually produces about 10 million tons of oil. Oil production is ensured by Turkmen Oil state concern and PSA-based companies from the United Kingdom, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.

Such international companies as Petronas, Dragon Oil, Buried Hill, RWE Dea AG, Areti and Eni are involved in the development of the Turkmen part of the Caspian Sea. The negotiations are underway with the companies from Europe, US and Asia.
