

阅读:989次 日期:2019/08/13

据Oil & Gas Journal网站8月9日消息 9月和10月交割的轻质低硫原油上涨超过1美元,但8月8日在一周的石油市场波动期间,仍以53美元/桶的价格结算。

加拿大皇家银行资本市场分析师Michael Tran在一份研究报告中称,今年上半年的大部分时间,中国原油进口都达到了历史水平。今年上半年,中国原油进口量较2018年上半年激增74万桶/日。

Michael Tran 表示:“但在过去3个月里,突破性的进口速度已经放缓至980万桶/日,中国也在2019年上半年以超过34.5万桶/日的惊人速度建立了库存。”

Michael Tran表示:“建立石油储备的创纪录的进口速度很大程度上是为了能源安全。因为在世界大多数市场上,石油是交易以美元计价。”








王磊 摘译自 Oil & Gas Journal


NYMEX crude oil settles under $53/bbl

Light, sweet crude oil for both September and October delivery gained by more than $1 yet still settled under $53/bbl for each contract on the New York market Aug. 8 during a week of oil-market volatility.

Chinese crude imports rose to historic levels through much of this year’s first half, RBC Capital Markets analyst Michael Tran said in a research note. For the first half of this year, Chinese crude imports surged by 740,000 b/d compared with first-half 2018.

“But the breakneck pace of imports has slowed to 9.8 million b/d over the past 3 months,” Tran said. “China also built inventories at a ferocious rate of over 345,000 b/d, on average, over first-half 2019.

“We suspected that the record pace of imports to build storage was largely for energy security purposes,” Tran said, because oil is traded on most world markets in US dollars.

Energy prices

Light, sweet crude oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange for September delivery gained $1.45 to settle at $52.54/bbl on Aug. 8 while the October contract rose $1.43 to $52.46/bbl.

The NYMEX natural gas price for September increased 4.5¢ to a rounded $2.13/MMbtu.

Ultralow-sulfur diesel for September gained 2¢ to $1.77/gal. The NYMEX reformulated gasoline blendstock for September added 2.5¢ to a rounded $1.65/gal.

Brent crude for October gained $1.15 to $57.38/bbl. The November contract rose $1.11 to settle at $57.04/bbl.

Gas oil for August increased $9 to $542.75/tonne on Aug. 8.

The average for the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries’ basket of crudes for Aug. 8 was unavailable because the OPEC offices are closed Aug. 9-13.

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