

阅读:1552次 日期:2019/08/26






据韩国国家石油公司(Korea National Oil Corp.)的数据,税收占汽油零售价格的55%,汽油价格的46%,丁烷价格的30%,这促使消费者要求减税。受减税政策的推动,今年上半年韩国消耗了8557万桶汽油,较上年同期的8221万桶增长4.1%。




王佳晶 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


South Korea's auto fuel demand likely to slide with end of tax relief

South Korea's auto fuel demand is expected to slide from September as the government has decided not to extend nine-month tax cut on the fuels, government officials said Friday.

"The Ministry of Economy and Finance will not extend the temporary tax cut on auto fuels, so the tax cut will come to an end on August 31," a ministry official said.

The ministry lowered taxes on the auto fuels -- gasoline, gasoil and butane -- by 15% for six months from November 6 last year until May 5 this year to help lower consumers' costs amid the country's slowing economy.

In May, the government extended the tax cut by four months until the end of August amid the country's protracted economic slowdown, but the rate of the tax reduction had been reduced to 7% from May 6.

"The oil taxes will be fully restored from September 1," the official said, noting the decision was largely driven by concerns about the country's dwindling tax revenues amid its economic slowdown.

"With the end of tax cut, retail auto fuel prices would rise, which would affect the country's oil demand," the official said.

Taxes account for 55% of the retail gasoline price, 46% of the gasoil price, and 30% of the butane price, according to Korea National Oil Corp., which had prompted consumers to ask for a tax reduction.

South Korea consumed 85.57 million barrels of gasoil for the first six months this year, up 4.1% from 82.21 million barrels from a year earlier, driven by the tax cut, KNOC data showed.

Gasoline consumption also rose 4.1% year on the year to 40.61 million barrels over January-June, compared with 39 million barrels in the same period last year.

Pump prices of gasoline averaged Won 1,489/liter ($1.23/liter) in the second quarter this year, down 5.8% from Won 1,580 /l a year earlier, according to KNOC.

Retail gasoil prices also rose to average Won 1,361/l in Q2, down 1.4% from Won 1,380/l in the year-ago period.

But the country's lower crude imports costs due to weak international prices can help buffer the end of oil tax cut, the official said.

South Korean crude oil importers paid on average of $69.4/b in Q2, down 7.2% from $74.8/b, a year earlier, according to KNOC.
