

阅读:1194次 日期:2019/09/03




与此同时,由于需求低迷和政治因素,俄气对欧洲的天然气出口收入预计将在2018年达到创纪录的高位 (2018年超过2000亿立方米)之后于2019年下降。到2019年,对欧洲的天然气出口可能减少到1920亿立方米,平均出口价格可能下降13%。

裘寅 编译自 enerdata


Gazprom seeks state support to develop its 10 Mt/year Baltic LNG project (Russia)

Gazprom will receive up to RUB 111bn (US$1.7bn) from the Russian state development bank VEB to finance its Baltic LNG project in Ust-Luga near Saint Petersburg (Russia). The project is estimated at RUB 900bn (US$13.5bn). The company could also receive financial support from the Russian sovereign fund and other state banks, as financing the project alone and without any state support would prove impossible.

The 10 Mt/year Baltic LNG project was initially developed in partnership with Shell under a 2016 Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) awarding 49% in the project to the British-Dutch oil and gas company. However, Shell left the project in April 2019, after the Russian gas giant recently decided to integrate the LNG project into a large gas and LNG complex worth more than RUB 700bn (US$11bn) and to set up a 50-50 special-purpose company, RusKhimAlyans, with RusGazDobycha (National Chemical Group).

Shell, like other Western companies, was also under pressure from sanctions imposed by the United States against Russia. For Gazprom, Shell's exit from the LNG project could mean limited access to Shell’s technology as well as difficulties to finance the project.

Meanwhile, Gazprom's gas exports revenues to Europe are expected to decline in 2019 after the 2018 record-high (over 200 bcm in 2018), due to sluggish demand and political factors. Gas exports to Europe could decrease to 192 bcm in 2019 and the average export price could fall by 13% to around US$125/1,000cm.
