

阅读:1519次 日期:2019/09/24

据9月23日Trend报道,西班牙驻巴库大使馆临时代办Ignacio Sanchez Taboada表示,得益于南部天然气走廊(SGC),西班牙将从更加一体化的欧洲能源市场中受益。




阿塞拜疆Shah Deniz气田的天然气已经经过了南部天然气走廊的第一段,从Sangachal终端到扩建的南高加索管道。


邹勤 摘译自 Trend


Spain to benefit from more integrated energy market thanks to Southern Gas Corridor

Spain will benefit from more integrated European energy market thanks to the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), Charge d'affaires ad interim of Spanish embassy in Baku Ignacio Sanchez Taboada told Trend.

"SGC is a strategic infrastructure not only for Azerbaijan, but also for the EU, and so we have declared it. Spain will not be a direct beneficiary or consumer of the Azerbaijani gas, but Spanish citizens will benefit from a more integrated energy European market, thanks to this infrastructure," he said.

The Southern Gas Corridor is one of the priority projects for the EU and envisages the transportation of 10 billion cubic meters of Azerbaijani gas from the Caspian region through Georgia and Turkey to Europe.

The launching ceremony of the first stage of the Southern Gas Corridor was held in Baku on May 29, 2018, while opening ceremony of TANAP was held on June 12, 2018 in the Turkish city of Eskisehir.

The gas from the Azerbaijani Shah Deniz field has already gone through the first segment of the Southern Gas Corridor - from the Sangachal terminal to the expanded South Caucasus Pipeline.

Trans-Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) and Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline (TANAP) were connected on the Turkish-Greek border.

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