

阅读:1531次 日期:2019/09/29


Imperial公司上游高级副总裁约翰?惠兰表示:“ 在Imperial公司,我们正在采取行动,成为推动数字和人工智能技术跨越价值链的领导者。Amii不仅是全球人工智能领域的领导者,而且总部位于艾伯塔省。我们相信该该研究所是一个完美的合作伙伴,可以帮助我们展示艾伯塔省在负责石油和天然气生产的技术和数字解决方案的领导地位。”


Amii总裁兼首席执行官John Shillington表示:“Imperial是我们Amii创新项目的理想成员他们不仅致力于推动石油和天然气领域的创新,而且还专注于提升自己在艾伯塔省的内部人工智能能力和团队。”


曹海斌 摘译自 商业资讯


AI brings new energy to oil and gas

The Alberta Machine Intelligence Institute (Amii) and Imperial have announced a two-year agreement to collaborate on the development of Imperial’s in-house machine learning capabilities, which will enable a range of applied artificial intelligence (AI) projects. Through these projects, Imperial will work to develop more effective ways to recover oil and gas resources, reduce environmental impacts and improve the safety of its workforce.

“At Imperial, we are taking action to be a leader in advancing digital and AI technology across the value chain,” said John Whelan, Imperial’s senior vice-president, upstream. “Amii is not only a leader in the AI space globally, but based locally in Alberta. We believe the institute is a perfect partner to help us showcase Alberta’s leadership in technology and digital solutions for responsibly-produced oil and gas.”

Working closely with Imperial, Amii will provide business guidance and scientific mentorship to build Imperial’s in-house machine intelligence capabilities and teams. Amii experts will help define and validate machine learning opportunities, provide assistance with applied projects and connections to the latest applicable AI research. The institute will also support Imperial in attracting and developing its technical teams with an emphasis on enhancing the skills of current employees.

"Imperial is an ideal member for our Amii Innovates program," says John Shillington, President and CEO of Amii. "Not only do they have a strong commitment to driving innovation in the oil and gas sector, but they're also focused on growing their internal AI capabilities and teams right here in Alberta."

After more than a century, Imperial continues to be an industry leader in applying technology and innovation to responsibly develop Canada’s energy resources. As Canada’s largest petroleum refiner, a major producer of crude oil, a key petrochemical producer and a leading fuels marketer from coast to coast.
