

阅读:1575次 日期:2019/09/29

据Gas Processing网9月27日巴黎报道,法国著名的专注于研究LNG低温储运技术的工程公司GTT日前与由俄罗斯复兴重工业公司和意大利石油巨头埃尼公司旗下的油田服务子公司萨伊博姆(Saipem)组建的俄罗斯合资企业SAREN B.V.签署了一份合同,为俄罗斯著名的LNG生产商诺瓦泰克详细设计和建造用于北极LNG--2项目的3个重力结构(GBS)。




GTT董事长兼首席执行官Philippe Berterottiere表示:“这是GTT在GBS市场上的第一个项目开发。我们对这个解决方案的前景非常有信心,并期待与我们经验丰富的合作伙伴一起实施这个项目,以便从项目的早期阶段开始,并在整个项目的所有阶段陪伴诺瓦泰克及其合作伙伴。”

李峻 编译自 Gas Processing


GTT signs contract with Arctic LNG -2

GTT has signed a contract with SAREN B.V. (Russian joint venture of Renaissance Heavy Industries Russia and Saipem) related to the detailed design and construction of three gravity-based structures (GBS) dedicated to the Arctic LNG 2 project, for the Russian LNG producer Pao Novatek.

The contract concerns the design, construction studies and technical assistance for the membrane containment system of the LNG and Ethane tanks to be installed inside the three GBS.

The first two GBS’ will each consist of two LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 114 500 m3, and one Ethane storage tank with a capacity of 980 m3. The third GBS will consist of two LNG storage tanks with a capacity of 114 500 m3 only.

The GBS terminals, which will sit on the seabed, are made up of concrete caissons with membrane containment tanks using GTT’s GST? technology. The units would be built in a dry dock of the Novatek-Murmansk LNG Construction Center. They will be towed and installed in their final location in the Gydan Peninsular in the Russian Arctic.

Philippe Berterottière, Chairman and CEO of GTT, declared: “This is GTT’s first project development in the GBS market. We are very confident in the perspectives of this solution and are looking forward to working on this project with our highly experienced partners in order to accompany them from an early stage and throughout all phases in this project for Novatek and its partners.”
