

阅读:1452次 日期:2019/11/18

据11月15日Offshore Energy报道,巴西国有石油天然气公司Petrobras位于巴西桑托斯盐下盆地的Berbigao油田的P-68 FPSO已经开始生产石油和天然气。

Sembcorp Marine的巴西造船厂Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz为巴西石油公司完成了P-68项目,FPSO在巴西南部里约热内卢Grande do Sul的Grande造船厂建造,机组的模块集成和调试在Jurong Aracruz造船厂进行,于2019年9月前往Berbigao油田。



P-68 FPSO位于巴西里约热内卢州海岸约230公里处,水深2280米。该项目规定P-68与10口生产井和7口注入井相互连接。卸油工作将由穿梭油轮进行,天然气生产将通过盐下天然气管道路线运输。


邹勤 摘译自 Offshore Energy


Petrobras produces first oil at P-68 FPSO offshore Brazil

Brazil’s state-owned oil and gas company Petrobras has started oil and natural gas production at P-68 FPSO in the Berbig?o field, in the Santos Basin pre-salt offshore Brazil.

Sembcorp Marine’s Brazilian shipyard, Estaleiro Jurong Aracruz, completed the P-68 project for Petrobras and the FPSO left the shipyard in September 2019. The hull was built at the Rio Grande Shipyard, in Rio Grande do Sul, and the module integration and commissioning of the unit were carried out at the Jurong Aracruz Shipyard.

Following P-67, in the Lula field, and P-76 and P-77, in the Buzios field, P-68 is the fourth unit to start up in 2019, Petrobras said on Thursday.

With a capacity to process up to 150,000 barrels of oil per day and compress up to 6 million m3 of natural gas, P-68 will contribute to Petrobras’ production growth, particularly in 2020, with new wells being interconnected in the Berbig?o field and the interconnection of wells in Sururu field.

The platform, an FPSO unit, is located approximately 230 km off the coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, at a water depth of 2,280 meters. The project provides for the interconnection of P-68 to ten production wells and seven injector wells. The oil production offloading will be made by shuttle tankers, while gas production will be transported through the pre-salt gas pipeline routes.

In a separate statement on Friday, Total said that the FPSO P-68 was first of the two FPSOs on the license. The second FPSO, the P-70, is expected to come on stream in 2020. Each unit has a capacity of 150,000 barrels of oil per day.

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