

阅读:1506次 日期:2020/01/13



印尼天然气公用事业公司PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN)时下正在重新计算天然气供应的最高价格,以便为客户降低价格。

印尼油气上游监管机构SKK Migas的财务和货币化副主管阿利夫?塞蒂亚万?汉多科表示,目前预计今年不会有任何未被授权的液化天然气货物。不过,他表示,由于来自其天然气资源马哈卡姆区块产量增加,Bontang液化天然气厂的货物可能会增加。运营商Pertamina Hulu Mahakam计划在该区块钻探更多气井。他说,Tangguh液化天然气厂可能还会增加两到三批货物。

SKK Migas的数据显示,印尼在2019年从这两个液化天然气厂生产了229.1船液化天然气货物,其中从Bontang生产了111.7船,从Tangguh生产了117.4船。其中大约74%出口,其余在国内销售。

李峻 编译自 全球能源新闻


Indonesia Plans New Gas Pricing for Industrial Users

Indonesia plans to unveil a new gas pricing policy for industrial customers in March in a bid to lower energy costs for manufacturers, Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Arifin Tasrif said on Thursday.

Indonesia's President earlier this week asked his cabinet to come up with a strategy to lower gas prices for manufacturers to around $6 per million British thermal units (mmbtu).

The energy ministry is studying a so-called Domestic Market Obligation (DMO), Tasrif told a media briefing, which would force gas producers to sell some of their output locally at capped prices to ensure cheap supplies for manufacturers.

Gas utility firm PT Perusahaan Gas Negara (PGN) is recalculating the maximum price it should pay for gas supplies in order to be able to cut prices for customers, Djoko Siswanto, acting director general of oil and gas said at the briefing.

There are currently no uncommitted LNG cargoes expected for 2020, according to Arief Setiawan Handoko, deputy of finance and monetization at oil and gas upstream regulator SKK Migas.

However, he said there may be incremental cargoes from the Bontang LNG plant due to higher production from its gas source, the Mahakam block, where operator Pertamina Hulu Mahakam plans to drill more wells. There may also be two or three additional cargoes from Tangguh LNG plant, he said.

Indonesia produced 229.1 cargoes of LNG from the two plants in 2019, 111.7 cargoes from Bontang and 117.4 cargoes from Tangguh, SKK Migas data showed. Around 74% of the total was exported and the rest sold domestically.
