

阅读:1566次 日期:2020/05/07

据能源世界网5月6日墨西哥城市报道,根据路透社周二公布的官方数据显示,3月份墨西哥国有石油公司Petroleos Mexicanos原油日产量提高至174.5万桶,同时在其国内炼油厂加工更多的原油。


墨西哥能源部长罗西奥·纳赫勒(Rocio Nahle)表示,该国只会在5月和6月削减产量。


根据官方数据显示,Pemex今年的原油日产量从1月份的172.4万桶,一直持续增长,其中包括共用油田。 上周,该公司宣布第一季度亏损近240亿美元,并宣布削减19亿美元投资预算。

据官方数据显示,3月份Pemex炼油厂的原油日加工量从前一个月的464,018桶升至近60万桶。 Pemex表示,上个月燃料总日均产量为717,400桶。

郝芬 译自 能源世界网


Mexico's Pemex increased oil production, refining in March: data

Mexico's state oil company Petroleos Mexicanos increased crude production to 1.745 million barrels per day (bpd) in March while processing more at its domestic refineries, according to official data seen by Reuters on Tuesday.

Mexico agreed to a 100,000-bpd output cut as part of an initiative by the OPEC+ group to push up plummeting oil prices by withdrawing barrels from an oversupplied market. The cuts will be put in place this month.

Mexico's energy minister, Rocio Nahle, said the nation would cut output only during May and June.

The reduction is expected to mostly affect newly drilled oilfields while a larger portion of shallow-water production by Pemex, as the company is known, would be used for domestic refining.

Pemex's crude production has consistently grown this year from 1.724 million bpd in January, including shared oilfields, official figures showed. Last week, the company reported a massive loss of nearly $24 billion in the first quarter and announced a $1.9 billion cut in its investment budget.

Pemex's crude processing at its refineries rose to almost 600,000 bpd in March from 464,018 bpd the previous month, the official data showed. Pemex said its total production of fuel averaged 717,400 bpd last month.
