

阅读:1163次 日期:2020/10/29

中国石化新闻网讯 据安迅思新加坡10月19日消息,沙特阿拉伯国家石油公司(沙特阿美)和沙特基础工业公司(沙比克)目前正考虑将现有位于沙特延布的炼油厂与一个世界级规模的混合进料蒸汽裂解装置和下游烯烃衍生物装置进行整合,这是它们计划中的石油制化学品项目的一部分。



张春晓 摘译自 ICIS


SABIC, Saudi Aramco eye expanding scope of oil-to-chemicals project

Saudi Aramco and SABIC are now looking at integrating existing refineries in Yanbu, Saudi Arabia with a world-scale mixed feed steam cracker and downstream olefin derivative units, as part of their planned oil-to-chemicals project.

The scope of the original project is being re-assessed “to maximize the economic value while evaluating the optimal technical options and market risks", SABIC said in a filing on the Saudi bourse, Tadawul, on 18 October.

The planned oil-to-chemicals complex first announced by Saudi Aramco in 2017 was estimated to cost between $20bn-30bn.

The planned full-integrated complex initially scheduled for completion in 2025, is expected to process 400,000 bbl/day of crude oil to produce about 9m tonnes/year of petrochemicals.

Saudi Aramco formed in mid-September an integrated corporate development organization, which was tasked to review the company’s asset portfolio and identify growth opportunities.

“SABIC and Saudi Aramco remain committed to continue advancing crude to chemicals technologies through existing development programs with the goal to increase cost efficiency, competitiveness and value creation opportunities for petrochemicals,” SABIC said.
