

阅读:1667次 日期:2020/12/17

据12月10日offshore energy消息:俄罗斯最大的独立天然气生产商诺瓦泰克公司与西门子能源公司签署了战略合作协议。




诺瓦泰克董事长Leonid Mikhelson表示:“我们与西门子能源公司有着长期而成功的相互合作记录,西门子能源是Yamal LNG和Arctic LNG 2项目的关键设备供应商。”



冯娟 摘译自 offshore energy


Novatek, Siemens in carbon-cutting LNG production pact

Russia’s largest independent natural gas producer Novatek signed a strategic partnership and cooperation deal with Siemens Energy.

Under the agreement, the two companies plan on jointly developing LNG production solutions.

The pair will also cooperate on solutions to produce electricity, hydrogen and other products in a push to maintain sustainable development initiatives.

The move is in line with the companies’ goals to reduce their respective carbon footprints and increase environmental efficiency.

As part of the agreement, the parties will commence implementing a project to replace natural gas used as fuel in the production of electricity and LNG with carbon-neutral hydrogen.

“We have a long and successful track record of mutual cooperation with Siemens Energy who is a key equipment supplier for both our Yamal LNG and Arctic LNG 2 projects,” noted Leonid Mikhelson, Novatek’s chairman.

“Our strategy to expand LNG production in the Arctic region is based on utilizing state-of-the-art technological solutions that meet and/or exceed stringent environmental requirements,” he said.

Additionally, the collaboration with Siemens Energy to decarbonize Novatek’s LNG production will contribute significantly to the mitigation of climate change.

This is of paramount importance to reduce Novatek’s carbon footprint in the Arctic ecosystem, Mikhelson said.
