

阅读:1660次 日期:2020/12/17

据今日油价12月10日报道,拥有2260亿美元资金的纽约州共同退休基金(New York State Common Retirement Fund)正在对其投资的所有能源公司进行审查,以评估它们对能源转型的准备程度,并抛离那些被认为在气候相关投资中风险最大的公司。

该基金周三承诺,到2040年将其资产组合转换为净零排放的资产, 纽约州审计长托马斯·迪纳波利(Thomas DiNapoli)表示,这只养老基金是美国第三大能源公司,仅次于加州的CalPERS和CalSTRS,表示将在2025年前完成对所有能源公司持股情况的审查,以评估在全球对气候变化的现有共识下,未来提供投资回报的能力。那些达不到我们最低标准的公司可能会从投资组合中剔除。撤资是最后的手段,但这也是一种投资工具,我们可以将其应用于那些在风险环境中仍能让我们的投资有长期收益的公司。”



王佳晶 摘译自 今日油价


$226 Billion Pension Fund Considers Dumping Oil & Gas Investments

The $226-billion New York State Common Retirement Fund is undertaking a review of all energy companies it is invested in, to assess their readiness for the energy transition and dump those considered riskiest in climate-related investment.

As it pledged on Wednesday to transition its portfolio of holdings to one with net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2040, the pension fund—the third-largest in the U.S. after CalPERS and CalSTRS of California—said that it would complete by 2025 a review of all its holdings in energy companies to assess “their future ability to provide investment returns in light of the global consensus on climate change,” New York State Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli said.

“Those that fail to meet our minimum standards may be removed from our portfolio. Divestment is a last resort, but it is an investment tool we can apply to companies that consistently put our investment’s long-term value at risk,” DiNapoli added.

The Fund is currently concluding its evaluation of nine oilsands companies and will develop minimum standards for investments in shale oil and gas. By 2025, the reviews will include all fossil fuel sectors, including integrated oil and gas companies, other oil and gas exploration and production, oil and gas equipment and services, and oil and gas storage and transportation.

The Fund has been calling for years on ExxonMobil, for example, to start accounting for climate change risks.

In a letter to shareholders ahead of this year’s annual meeting in May, DiNapoli, in his capacity of Trustee of the Fund, wrote:

“As the world, ExxonMobil’s peers, and investors confront the climate emergency, ExxonMobil is carrying on as if nothing has changed. It is crystal clear to us that ExxonMobil’s inadequate response to climate change constitutes a broad failure of corporate governance and a specific failure of independent directors to oversee management.”

After the meeting, at which Exxon’s shareholders rejected proposals for a report on lobbying and a report on the risks of petrochemical investments, DiNapoli said that “Exxon, in particular, has made itself an outlier for its refusal to seriously account for the demands of a lower carbon global economy.”
