

阅读:1354次 日期:2020/12/25




合资公司将利用Cognite的旗舰工业数据平台Cognite Data Fusion作为其核心技术,并将利用最先进的云能力进行数据托管、分析和人工智能。


沙特阿美技术服务高级副总裁Ahmad Al Sa 'adi在评论合资企业时表示:“沙特阿美实施了一项雄心勃勃的数字化转型计划,目标是将公司转变为世界领先的数字化能源公司,为股东实现价值最大化,并在全球能源领域引领数字化创新。”


Aker ASA总裁兼首席执行官兼Cognite董事会主席?yvind Eriksen表示:“我们致力于与世界上最大的综合性石油和天然气公司建立战略伙伴关系,取得了可喜的成就。


朱佳妮 摘译自 阿拉伯贸易


Aramco JV to accelerate industrial digitalization

Saudi Aramco Development Company, a subsidiary of Aramco and Cognite, has signed an agreement to establish a joint venture as part of its strategic digitalisation partnership.

Aramco and Cognite will establish a new company that will focus on digitalisation in Saudi Arabia and the broader Middle East and North Africa region. The JV will develop, distribute and deploy end-to-end digital and advanced solutions for customers across industries, including oil and gas, power and utilities, manufacturing and shipping.

The solutions will enable the digital transformation of companies through production and yield optimization, predictive maintenance, workforce digitalisation, advanced safety measures and a reduced environmental footprint of industrial operations.

The JV will leverage Cognite’s flagship industrial data platform, Cognite Data Fusion, as its core technology and will harness state-of-the-art cloud capabilities for data hosting, analytics and artificial intelligence.

Aramco and Cognite expect the JV to be operational in 2021.

Commenting on the JV, Ahmad Al Sa’adi, Aramco Senior Vice-President of Technical Services, said: “Aramco has pursued an ambitious digital transformation program with the goal of transforming the company into the world's leading digitalised energy corporation, maximising value for shareholders and spearheading digital innovation in the energy sector globally.”

He said: “The JV with Cognite aims to create advanced end-to-end digital software solutions in Saudi Arabia, which will maximise local content, contribute to GDP growth, create new jobs, accelerate digital talent development and sustain Aramco’s resilience.”

On his part, ?yvind Eriksen, President and CEO of Aker ASA and Chairman of Cognite’s Board of Directors, said: “We are committed to making our strategic partnership with the world’s largest integrated oil and gas company a resounding success.

“We believe Aramco’s deep operational expertise, combined with Cognite’s track record of developing and deploying industrial software for digital frontrunners, will be a powerful catalyst for the commercial success of the joint venture and the advancement of digital transformation across heavy-asset industries.”?
