

阅读:1468次 日期:2019/05/27

据普氏能源资讯东京5月24日消息 由于需要替换市场缺失石油,一些日本炼油商已加大了从厄瓜多尔进口原油的力度,一辆满载VLCC的油轮将于未来几天抵达东京湾。






日本石油、天然气和金属国家公司首席经济学家Takayuki Nogami表示:“增加对厄瓜多尔原油的进口,将有助于降低日本对中东的依赖,厄瓜多尔的供应也可能有助于该国未来供应来源多元化。”



Idemitsu一位高管5月16日表示,Idemitsu Kosan和昭和壳牌正考虑从沙特阿拉伯、阿联酋和科威特等国进口石油,以取代某国的石油供应。这两家公司拥有6家炼油厂,日产量总计94.5万桶。

吴慧丹 摘译自 普氏能源资讯


Japan steps up imports from Ecuador to replace? crude

Some Japanese refiners have stepped up imports of crude from Ecuador because of the need to replace?the absent?oil, with a fully-laden VLCC arriving in Tokyo Bay in the coming days.

Japanese refiner Showa Shell will receive the Ecuadorian oil cargo on the VLCC Yuan Hua Hu around Sunday at its 70,000 b/d Keihin refinery in Kawasaki, Tokyo Bay, industry sources said Friday.

This will be Japan's second intake of Ecuadorian crude oil in May, taking the total volume to about 2.7 million barrels. Earlier in May, refiner Fuji Oil imported about 720,000 barrels of Napo crude from Ecuador at its Sodegaura refinery in Tokyo Bay, according to a source with direct knowledge of the matter.

Japan's imports of Ecuadorian crude in May will likely be the highest level in the last two decades. The Napo crude imports of around 2 million barrels from Ecuador in July 2017 were the highest in Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry data dating back to 2002.

This comes at a time when Japanese refiners have increased imports from other suppliers in the Middle East to replace crude. Japanese refiners suspended oil imports in April.

Supplies from the Middle East accounted for 89.6% of Japan's average crude imports of 3.19 million b/d in the first quarter, according to the METI data, up from 86.2% of Q4 2018's 3.07 million b/d.

"Increased imports of Ecuadorian crude oil would help reduce Japan's dependence on the Middle East, and the Ecuadorian supply may also play a role in helping the country diversify its supply sources going forward," chief economist at Japan Oil, Gas and Metals National Corp, Takayuki Nogami, said.

A Fuji Oil spokesman also confirmed it is using Napo as the main basis for replacing Iranian Heavy, blending it with other grades from the Middle East, including Abu Dhabi crudes and Qatar Marine.

Following the latest receipt of a Napo crude cargo, Fuji Oil will take its next cargo in mid-June, which will be followed by a purchase of the grade for early and end-July, the source familiar with the matter said.

An Idemitsu executive said on May 16 that Idemitsu Kosan and Showa Shell are looking at supplies from Saudi Arabia, the UAE and Kuwait, among others, to replace? oil for their combined capacity of 945,000 b/d over six refineries.

