

阅读:1461次 日期:2019/05/27

据TradeArabia 网阿布扎比5月25日消息 阿布扎比未来能源公司表示,其由世界领先的可再生能源电力公司即法国电力公司可再生能源和非洲绿色能源公司组成的财团,已获得Noor Midelt第一阶段多技术太阳能发电厂的设计、融资、建设、运营和维护的投标。



Noor Midelt项目Onr是法国电力可再生能源公司和马斯达尔公司合作的第三个项目。

这两家公司也是最近宣布的Dumat Al Jandal风电场的合作伙伴,其400兆瓦风电场将成为沙特阿拉伯的第一个以及中东和北非(Mena)地区最大的风能项目。



在赢得合同后,马斯达尔首席执行官Al Ramahi说:“作为开发Noor Midelt第一阶段多技术太阳能发电厂的联合体的一部分,我们很荣幸能够利用我们在CSP和光伏技术方面的全球专业知识和经验。”

Al Jannahi表示:“我们赞赏摩洛哥大胆的可再生能源远景,以及该国致力于大规模开发一项结合太阳能和储存的突破性技术,这将实现新的成本和运营效率水平。”


Al Ramahi补充表示:“通过与我们的合作伙伴共同致力于先进清洁技术的商业化,马斯达尔正在帮助中东和北非地区建立另一个世界第一的可再生能源。”

法国电力公司可再生能源首席执行官Bruno Bensasson表示,该集团为成为该财团的一员而感到自豪。该财团将为实现摩洛哥的宏伟目标做出重大贡献,即到2030年,该国52%的电力将来自可再生能源。

吴慧丹 摘译自 TradeArabia


Masdar, EDF to build 800MW solar power plant in Morocco

Abu Dhabi Future Energy Company (Masdar) said its consortium comprising EDF Renewables, a world leader in renewable energy electricity, and Green of Africa has been awarded the tender for the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of the Noor Midelt Phase 1 multi-technologies solar power plant.

The 800 MW plant will be located 20 km north of the town of Midelt in central Morocco, in the high plains surrounding the Moulouya River and between the Middle and High Atlas Mountains.

Construction on the project is expected to begin in the last quarter of 2019, while energy will be delivered to the grid in 2022, said a statement from Masdar.

Noor Midelt Phase Onr is the third project that EDF Renewables and Masdar will be working on together.

The two companies are also partners in the recently announced Dumat Al Jandal wind farm, which at 400MW will be Saudi Arabia’s first and the Middle East and North Africa (Mena) region's largest wind energy project.

The Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (Masen) said the project, which will have a total installed capacity of 800 MW, is the world’s first advanced hybridisation of concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) technologies.

On completion, it will provide dispatchable solar energy during the day and until five hours after sunset for a record-low tariff at peak hours of 0.68 Moroccan dirhams per kilowatt-hour.

On the contract win, Masdar CEO Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi said: "We are honoured to leverage our global expertise and experience in CSP and PV technologies as part of the consortium chosen to develop the Noor Midelt Phase 1 multi-technologies solar power plant."

"We applaud Morocco’s bold renewable energy vision and its commitment to the large-scale development of a groundbreaking technology combining solar power with storage, which will achieve new levels of cost and operational efficiency," remarked Al Jannahi.

"This project marks a key step in the transition of renewable energy from its traditional peak-shaving role in meeting power demand to becoming a baseload electricity provider in the future," he stated.

"Through a shared commitment to commercialising advanced clean technology with our partners, Masdar is helping to bring another world-first in renewable energy to the Mena region," Al Ramahi added.

EDF Renewables CEO Bruno Bensasson said the group was proud to be part of a consortium which will significantly contribute to Morocco's visionary objectives to produce 52 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030.

