

阅读:1501次 日期:2019/11/15

据11月14日Offshore Energy报道,总部位于阿联酋的ADNOC钻井公司宣布了一项大型钻机船队扩张计划,称到2025年将订购数十台钻机。


在更为广泛的扩张计划的第一阶段,ADNOC于2019年11月收购了四个阿联酋建造的钻机,总价值超过3.5亿迪拉姆(1亿美元)。这四个新的钻机是由National Oilwell Varco(11月)在阿联酋制造的,将部署在ADNOC的陆上油田,目前这些油田占ADNOC每日Murban石油产能的50%以上。


ADNOC上游执行董事兼ADNOC钻探董事会主席阿卜杜勒穆尼姆(Abdulmunim Saif Al-Kindy)表示:“该计划是我们大幅增加常规油气钻探以及大幅增加非常规井数量计划的关键推动力,随着我们石油生产能力的增长,将努力实现天然气的自给自足。”


王佳晶 摘译自Offshore Energy


ADNOC Drilling to buy ‘dozens’ of drilling rigs by 2025

UAE-based ADNOC Drilling has announced a major drilling rig fleet expansion program saying it would order dozens of drilling rigs by 2025.

The drilling subsidiary of Abu Dhabi’s national oil company ADNOC said the fleet expansion would support ADNOC’s upstream growth plans and enable the delivery of its 2030 Smart Growth Strategy.

In the first phase of the wider expansion program, ADNOC acquired, in November 2019, four UAE-built land rigs with a total value of over AED 350 million ($100 million). The four new rigs were manufactured in the UAE by National Oilwell Varco (NOV) and will be deployed in ADNOC’s onshore fields, which currently contribute more than 50 percent of ADNOC’s daily Murban oil production capacity.

Following the integration of the four rigs, which will join the fleet in the first quarter of 2020, ADNOC Drilling plans to acquire dozens of additional land, offshore, and island rigs by 2025, ADNOC said.

Abdulmunim Saif Al Kindy, ADNOC Upstream Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADNOC Drilling, said: “The program is a pivotal enabler of our plans to substantially increase drilling for conventional oil and gas as well as considerably ramp up the number of unconventional wells, as we grow our oil production capacity and work to achieve gas self-sufficiency for the UAE.”

“This major rig expansion program cements ADNOC Drilling’s position as the largest drilling company in the Middle East and the region’s first fully Integrated Drilling Services (IDS) company and will support ADNOC’s target to achieve a crude oil production capacity of 5 million barrels per day by 2030.”
